FAQ: K-8 French Immersion School to Serve Sage Creek & Bonavista

As we prepare for opening the new Kindergarten to Grade 8 French Immersion school at 355 des Hivernants Boulevard, we want to ensure that families have all the information they need. We are excited to share that construction is ahead of schedule, with the opening planned for September 2025.  

We understand that each family will have questions and concerns specific to their current school experience. The following FAQ is designed to help us address them efficiently and effectively, while ensuring that everyone has access to the same information. In-person meetings are planned as we move forward to ensure that we are building a solid foundation for our new school community. 

This is just the beginning of our collaboration, and we are committed to working closely with you as we move toward opening the doors to Sage Creek and Bonavista School. Thank you for your support and enthusiasm as we take these exciting first steps together. 

If you do not find the answer to your question or need further clarification, please email communications@lrsd.net; we will be pleased to provide the information you require. Questions of general interest will be added to this FAQ. 

How do I enrol my child in the new school? 

The following students will be reassigned automatically to the new school; no additional action is required on the part of parents/guardians/caregivers: 

  • Kindergarten to Grade 6 students currently registered in French Immersion at École Sage Creek School  
  • Kindergarten to Grade 7 students currently registered at École Van Belleghem who reside in Bonavista or the area of Island Lakes south of Warde Avenue 
  • Grade 7 students currently registered at Collège Béliveau who reside in Bonavista

A Kindergarten information evening for the French Immersion program will take place at the current school (315 Sage Creek Blvd.) at 6:00 p.m. on Feb. 13, 2025. Kindergarten registration will take place from Feb. 18 to March 28, 2025.  

If your child is in Grade 1 to 12 and is new to the Division, you will need to complete a new student registration. More details can be found on the School Registration page of our website. See What is the catchment area of the new school? 

Registration information for the Middle and Late Immersion programs is presented below. 

What is the layout of the new school? 


What is the name of the new school? 

The working name of the new school is “École Sage Creek/Bonavista.” LRSD plans to engage students, families, community, and staff in a process to determine the final name. This process will unfold over the next couple of months. The process will be guided by Policy FF – Naming of Facilities.  

Will the new school offer Before & After Care? 

A new childcare facility will be located at École Sage Creek / Bonavista at 355 Des Hivernants Boulevard. Currently, the facility is in the planning stages, and the Louis Riel School Division is reviewing applications for a licensed, external non-profit childcare provider to manage the space. Once a provider is selected, a public announcement will be made, and families will receive further information about the enrolment process, including how to join the waitlist.  

My current childcare provider does not transport to the new school. Is it possible for my child to remain at their current school? 

Ideally, the Before and After School program offered at the new school will have room to serve all families living in its catchment area. Where this is not possible and families have existing childcare arrangements elsewhere, they may apply to have their child remain at their current school as outlined below. See What if I would like my child to continue at their current school?

What is the catchment area of the new school? 

All Kindergarten to Grade 8 students enrolled in the French Immersion program and residing in the shaded areas on the map below will be assigned to the new school. 


What if I would like my child to continue at their current school? 

Families that wish for their child to continue at their current school rather than be reassigned to the new school may apply through an accelerated Schools of Choice process. The typical process is described here. The accelerated process will follow the same steps but run from Feb. 1 to March 15, instead of May 15. Where Schools of Choice applications are approved, families will be required to provide transportation to and from school. You will only need to complete the application once, if accepted; you do not need to reapply annually. 

Will there be busing to the new school for Kindergarten to Grade 6 students? 

Busing will be provided to all Kindergarten to Grade 6 students who: 

  • reside in Bonavista or the portion of Island Lakes south of Warde Avenue 
  • reside 1.6 km or farther from the school

The area outlined in blue in the map below shows addresses that qualify for busing. Note that this information is approximate and subject to change. Final determination rests with the Transportation Department. 


Will there be busing to the new school for Grade 7 & 8 students? 

Busing for Grade 7 and 8 students is the responsibility of the family. Winnipeg Transit is implementing new service on June 29 with direct routes to the new school from Bonavista, Island Lakes, and all areas of Sage Creek, as shown below.  

Families may also request a paid seat on an existing school bus route. This arrangement is popular where Grade 7 and 8 students accompany younger siblings. Details will be shared in the spring. 

Will there be crossing guards? 

Yes! We are still planning on where they will be located. 

What will be the bell times of the new school? 

The existing school at 315 Sage Creek Boulevard has its entry bell at 8:47 a.m. and dismissal bell at 3:30 p.m. Bell times for the new school have not been finalized but are expected to be 20-30 minutes earlier. The staggering of start and end times allows school buses to complete runs for both schools; this arrangement is common throughout the school division. 

Will the new school offer extra-curricular activities?  

Yes! Extra-curricular offerings will reflect student interests. The new school will participate in divisional sports programs, such as:  

  • cross-country, Grades 4-8 
  • basketball 
  • volleyball 
  • badminton 
  • track & field 

Details will be shared at a later date.  

What are the projected class sizes, and will they be combined or individual grades?  

The Division strives for Kindergarten to Grade 3 classes to have approximately 20 students and Grade 4 to 8 classes approximately 25 students. The Class Size Tracker on LRSD’s Data Hub shows class sizes across the Division.  

Most LRSD schools have a mix of combined and individual grades. The configuration may change from year to year. The school principal is responsible for determining class configuration, in consultation with members of the LRSD Senior Leadership Team. Numerous factors are taken into consideration when making the decision.  

What programming will be available for students with additional needs? 

As outlined in Policy JBA – Appropriate Educational Programming, LRSD is committed to fostering inclusion for all students and endorses the definition of inclusion as presented in Appropriate Educational Programming in Manitoba: Standards for Student Services, Manitoba Education & Early Childhood Learning, 2022:  

Inclusion is a way of thinking and acting that allows every individual to feel accepted, valued and safe. An inclusive community consciously evolves to meet the changing needs of its members. Through recognition and support, an inclusive community provides meaningful involvement and equal access to the benefits of citizenship.  

In Manitoba, we embrace inclusion as a means of enhancing the well-being of every member of the community. By working together, we strengthen our capacity to provide the foundation for a richer future for all of us. 

Furthermore, as outlined in Policy IHBEBA – Bilingual Instruction: French Immersion Education, LRSD supports inclusion of all students in the French Immersion program. LRSD strives to appropriate programming leading to meaningful engagement for all students in both French Immersion and English program schools.  

How do the Middle Immersion and Late Immersion programs operate and how do I enrol my child in it?    

Late Immersion is an opportunity for students to learn French alongside likeminded peers. Students enter French Immersion in Grade 6. They work on the same curriculum as their peers in English program and French Immersion program schools, but with an intensive focus on French language acquisition. These students learn together in a separate cohort for three years, allowing students to focus on their common interest, language acquisition, with others of similar language proficiency. Over the three years, their ability progresses to such a point that they are able to integrate at the Grade 9 level with their peers who have been studying in French Immersion since Kindergarten, Grade 1 or Grade 4. 

Middle Immersion works similarly with students beginning the program in Grade 4 and joining peers from the Early Immersion program in Grade 7. This program has been operating in LRSD for many years. Information from last year (due to be updated shortly) can be found here

An information evening for the Middle and Late Immersion programs is planned for late January. Details will be shared in the December edition of the Parent Post. Enrolment is limited and will be on a first-come, first-served basis. School bus transportation will be provided. Students throughout LRSD are eligible. 

How will the new school be staffed? Will teachers be shuffled or are you hiring new people?  

The staffing process will begin in early spring. It is expected that most of the French Immersion staff at École Sage Creek School will transfer to the new school, along with some staff from École Van Belleghem and other schools. Consultations with staff regarding their career aspirations have already begun. It is expected that other new staff members will be required, as well; the typical posting process will apply and will unfold from April to June. The school principal is responsible for staffing the school, in consultation with members of the LRSD Senior Leadership Team.