4.2 Safe & Active Transportation
Welcome to the Louis Riel School Division’s Multi-Year Strategic Plan (MYSP) 2023-27 action pages. For each strategic action, we are diligently taking steps to achieve our goals. Together, these goals strive to create the best possible educational environment for students, staff, and community. On these pages, you will find answers to two key questions: What have we done so far? And where do we plan to be by 2027?
What have we done so far?
New bus routes:
Providing information to Winnipeg Transit:
Added bus routes:
Safe transport supervision:
Bike storage:
Added crosswalks:
Where do we plan to be by 2027?
- Identifying and reducing barriers to active transportation by:
- working with community partners and families
- promoting successful strategies implemented in various schools
Strategies may include:
- expansion of walking school bus, bike bus, and bike rider safety training programs
- addition of bike storage infrastructure (bike racks, bike cages)
- improved signage
- review of drop-off and pick-up routines
- installation of traffic-calming measures
- addition of crossing guards and/or school patrols at key crossings
- awareness campaigns
As a result, more families will choose active transportation to travel to and from school.
- Highlighting the connection between safe, equitable, and active transportation and the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (see MYSP Strategic Action 4.5).
- Expanding school bus service to provide safe, reliable, and equitable transportation to and from school for students in Grades 7 to 12 where convenient transit service is not available.
- Working with families to identify solutions when transportation challenges impact school attendance.