Learning from Home Resources
Publicly funded education TV network’s video streaming site. Documentaries, dramas, and live TV including kids’ programming. Free and commercial free, requires email sign-up.
- Khan Academy Kids - YouTube
- Resources for parents - YouTube
- WIDEOPENSCHOOL (Common Sense Media) – Wide Open School | Activities for kids learning from home.
Resources available by grade level and subject/topic areas- Preschool
- Grades K-2
- Grades 3-5
- Grades 6-8
- Khan Academy – a K to 12 learning resource for Math and other subjects
- Prodigy – Gr. 1 to 8 gamified Math learning site
- Skyscraper Templates – Thinking Mathematically (wordpress.com)
The Grand Math Connection
- Two Strategies to Help Your Child Learn to Love Math - YouTube
- Math in the Everyday Activities of Latino Families: Doing Math the Mayan Way! | Development and Research in Early Math Education (stanford.edu)
Design Projects
- Microsoft Make Code – Microsoft Inquiry Based Hands-On Activities
- Skills Manitoba Project Based Learning Challenges – Online Challenge | Skills Manitoba
- Technovation Design Challenges – Lots of great design challenges – requires sign-in
- Hands on Engineering STEM Projects for Kids and Students - Instructables
- KidsThinkDesign – A look at design in the real world, with loads of information for kids interested in design.
- Make Projects – Lots of projects and inspiration for kids who like to tinker and invent!
- Rube Goldberg Machines – These can be as simple or as complex as you can dream up but for kids who like to build and experiment, creating a Rube Goldberg is a must!
- Deep Space Sparkle Art At Home – This site has a series of “draw with me” videos with art activities for elementary aged students. Most activities use basic supplies like paint, markers, crayons and pencil crayons.
- Lunch Doodle With Mo Willems – Great little “how to doodle” videos by well known children’s book author and illustrator
Mental Health and Well-Being
Physical Health and Activity
- Fitness activities for Grades 3-5 | Wide Open School
- Fit Kids Healthy Kids – Fit Kids Healthy Kids is a Physical Literacy program founded as a partnership between Doctors Manitoba and Sport Manitoba. It teaches children the fundamentals of movement that make kids confident and competent in sport, recreation, and life. This resource supports children to learn skills like running, jumping, throwing, and catching as well as many others through games and activities that are non-competitive and inclusive.
- KIDZ BOP – 34 Minutes of KIDZ BOP Dance Along Videos - YouTube
Science and Social Studies
- Science World (The Dome at Home) – Some great at-home experiments and activities
- National Geographic Kids – Loads of great information about animals, science and the world!
- Science Friday – A great site with lots of fun science facts, podcasts, and stories.
- PBS Kids – Great site for younger kids with a variety of games, videos, etc. Also has a site for parents.
- Climate Kids – Site with lots of information about the climate – designed for elementary age students.
- Xplorlabs – Neat site giving kids a chance to explore real-world science and engineering problems. Grade 5 to 10
- Biographic – Loads of great stories and images about animals and the environment – great for confident readers who are interested in those topics.
- 12 World-Class Museums You Can Visit Online (mentalfloss.com)
- Global Climate Change – Great site for older kids who want to learn more about climate change. Run by NASA
My Learning at Home
My Learning at Home | Manitoba Education (gov.mb.ca)
Resources available by grade level and curricular area
- Preschool (0-5 years)
- Early Years (6-10 years)
- Middle Years (11-14 years)
Notes (some for this document, some for print packages)
All activities and assessment ideas in the following document were developed and/or curated by members of the LRSD Learning Team; Kristyn Artibise, Lauren Mitchell-Lawson, Lisa Monson, Patrice Chartrand and Robin Plouffe-Hingley. Thaddeus Bourassa also participated in the development and leadership of the numeracy initiative. Every effort has been made to mention the sources to readers and to comply with the Copyright Act. In the event that errors or omissions have occurred, please notify the Louis-Riel School Division Learning Team for correction in a future edition. Any website mentioned in this document may be changed without notice. Teachers should check and evaluate websites and online resources before recommending them to students.
Resources for French Language
- On joue? – Le ministère de l’Éducation de la Colombie-Britannique a créé On joue? Activités pour les familles dans le but d’aider les familles et les personnes qui s’occupent d’un enfant à proposer aux enfants, dès le plus bas âge, des activités d’apprentissage par le jeu et l’amusement
- Langages de BBC – Vidéos, ressources et activités linguistiques en ligne pour enseigner et apprendre une variété de langues.
- ICI Radio-Canada – Zone des petits et Zone Jeunesse
- Apprendre à la maison – Des ressources éducatives dont l’objectif est de favoriser l’apprentissage continu des élèves et de maintenir leur engagement pendant la période de fermeture des écoles.
- Ressources de l’Île-du-Prince-Édouard – Une collection de ressources évaluées, organisées par niveau scolaire, comprenant des ressources en français.
- Ressources du conseil scolaire de Toronto – Une collection de ressources évaluées, organisées par niveau scolaire, comprenant des ressources en français.
- Museevirtuel – La plus importante source numérique d’histoires et d’expériences présentées par des musées et organismes patrimoniaux Canadiens.
- eBooks Kids – Plusieurs livres électroniques proposés en français, en espagnol et en anglais. Comprend des énigmes et des jeux pour stimuler l'apprentissage.
- Audible – Des livres audio gratuits pour les enfants, disponibles en anglais, en français et dans d'autres langues.
Tous les efforts ont été faits pour mentionner les sources aux lecteurs et pour respecter la Loi sur le droit d’auteur. Dans le cas où il se serait produit des erreurs ou des omissions, prière d’en aviser la Division scolaire Louis-Riel pour qu’elles soient rectifiées dans une édition future.
Dans le présent document, les mots de genre masculin appliqués aux personnes désignent les femmes et les hommes. Tout site Web cité dans ce document pourrait subir des modifications sans préavis. Les enseignants devraient revérifier et réévaluer tout site Web et toute ressource en ligne avant de les recommander aux élèves.
- Divisional Packages - January 2021
- Kindergarten Learning from Home Learning Package
- Kindergarten French Immersion Learning from Home Learning Package
- Grade 1-2 English and French Immersion Learning from Home Learning Package
- Grade 3 and 4 Learning from Home Learning Package
- Grade 3 and 4 French Immersion Learning from Home Learning Package
- Grade 5 and 6 English Learning from Home Learning Package
- Grade 5 and 6 French Immersion Learning from Home Learning Package