Student Services
The Student Services program exists to provide students with equal opportunities to learn and succeed.
The Student Services staff functions as a support to the classroom teacher and, depending on the student's needs, may develop a collaborative action plan for application in or out of the regular classroom.
Michelle Bacon, Elzabeth Mittelstadt and Claire Normandeau form the school-based Student Services team. This year, we are fortunate to have Tammy Levasseur join our team as a Positive Behaviour Support Teacher.
Requests for assistance can be initiated by students, staff, parents and guardians or administration.
Following any referrals, student information may be collected through observations, student and parent interviews, teacher conferences, analysis of student work and testing. Action plans may be developed by a team comprised of the student, parents or guardians, teachers, other specialists and administration.
Open communication between the home and the school is vital.
Please contact the school if your child is experiencing health, family or personal issues that could affect their learning.