Varennes Library Learning Commons - Le Carrefour d’apprentissage

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One time per cycle, classes will visit the library to share a story, borrow their books for the week, and participate in various activities and projects we have going on.

Students borrow their books for one week, choosing from our collection of titles in French and English. We encourage students to return their books so they can borrow new ones each week! We appreciate the care our families give to help keep our library collection in good condition so we can all share in the joy of reading.

Because, above all, our library is a space where sharing happens.

We strive to create a vibrant space that is flexible to many kinds of learning. We believe that we learn from picture books, from technologies and from each other. To help achieve this goal, we do everything possible to create a safe space where students learn to share and care for each other's ideas.

We value creativity and innovation. The Library Learning Commons houses technologies, such as iPads and laptops, that help support learning in our classrooms.

We value our student's voices as this space would not exist without them, our readers! We encourage students to give recommendations and share what they are reading and what they want to read so that our collection reflects the interests and needs of our readers and our greater school community. We have a student committee that help guide our Library Learning Commons and who provide valuable work and insight to our space.