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École Varennes Named a 2024 Indigo Love of Reading Literacy Grant Recipient


Congratulations to École Varennes, recently named a 2024 Indigo Love of Reading Literacy Grant Recipient. They were awarded $ 50,000 over three years to build the library collection, update novel studies, and grow classroom libraries. Principal Amy Warriner, Vice-Principal Jennifer Boudreau-Allan, teachers, students, parents, and YMCA daycare staff contributed to the video, strengthening the application.   

“We are so grateful for this investment in our school library,” said Teacher-Librarian Suzanne Simpson, who coordinated the application on behalf of the school. “These funds will accelerate our library goals and allow us to provide quality, high-interest reading materials to students. It will ensure that all students see themselves reflected on the shelves in our library and in their classrooms.”  

Drawing inspiration from the proposed plan to build a new school at École Varennes, the project focuses on a different theme and key area for each year. Over the course of the Indigo Literacy Grant, the literary ecosystem at École Varennes will grow in the following areas:  

Year 1: Foundation   

Theme: Indigenous Knowledge and the Environment  

Learning about Indigenous and Métis Peoples of Manitoba, as well as the history and ecosystems of the land on which our school is located, is important.  

Year 2: Framing Walls  

Theme: Socio-emotional  

Developing resiliency by learning about socio-emotional skills through books to weather life’s storms and regulate our own emotions through trauma-sensitive practices.  

Year 3: Window and Doors  

Theme: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion  

The development of a diverse library collection empowers students to see their lived experiences reflected in the collection and to develop empathy as they see the world through different perspectives.  

The community celebrated this exciting news at an assembly on June 20, where members of the school division were present, and representatives from the St. Vital Indigo Chapters store presented students and staff with a giant cheque. 

From the ground up: rebuilding École Varennes Library Learning Commons