Who We Are

Minnetonka Statement of Belief

Minnetonka School believes each child has unique interests, abilities and needs. The school helps to develop student potential by equipping them with the techniques and strategies needed to apply acquired knowledge and skills. Minnetonka School contributes to the social development of children by teaching respect for themselves and others. It encourages each student to take responsibility for his or her learning and actions. Minnetonka School strives for goals to be reached in partnership between the student, the school, the family and the community.

Minnetonka By The Numbers

Grades: K-8
Number of Students: 155*
* Data collected in August 2018

Special Programs

Darwin Pre-Kindergarten

(204) 255-1724

200 Minnetonka St.
Winnipeg, MB
R2M 3Y6

Village Day Care Satellite Program

(204) 257-8109

200 Minnetonka St.
Winnipeg, MB
R2M 3Y6