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We have developed many different materials about ISP at Louis Riel School Division. Read and download our different materials to learn about our different programs, why the Louis Riel School Division is a great place to live and learn, and how you can become involved in our International Student Program. 

Resource Library

Secondary Full Year & Semester Program 

Cell Phone and Internet Use

Going Home End of Program Checklist


Health Insurance

International Student Program Guidelines

ISP High Risk Form

ISP Student Food Do's and Dont's

ISP Student Handbook

Letter of Invitation

LRSD ISP Homestay Guide 2022

Terms & Conditions

Student Travel Forms - Fillable

What do I do if I am sick


Post-Secondary Technical/Vocational Program - Arts and Technology Centre (LRATC)


LRATC Website 

LRATC Application Guide

Health Insurance

Letter of Invitation

Website Resources


Manitoba Academic Information

High School Graduation Diploma Requirements

Students who successfully complete high school courses receive credits towards a Manitoba High School Diploma. Students must earn a minimum of 30 credits of compulsory and elective courses in grade 9, 10, 11 and 12 to meet graduation requirements. General courses and advanced courses are offered in all grades. For students who have previously completed some high school in their home country, and are interested in pursuing a Manitoba High School Diploma, transcripts can be evaluated to determine how many Manitoba High School Credits can be assigned.

*** International students joining the program at the grade 12 level who are interested in pursuing a Manitoba High School Diploma, must complete two semesters.

Grade Placements

In most cases, students are placed in grades based on age appropriate placement.

School Placements

Students are assigned school placements based on space and program availability. Students may make a request for a specific school when they submit their initial application form and every attempt will be made to accommodate your request if it is received prior to our acceptance deadline. However, Louis Riel School Division International Student Program reserves the right to make the final placement decision.

English as a Second Language (ESL)

An ESL assessment is done for every new student for whom English is not their first language. This assessment helps to determine the best program and course level for each student. Previous school transcripts are also reviewed to determine what grade has been completed in student's home country and the marks received.

ESL support is provided at no extra cost for international students who require additional language support. Specialized ESL support is provided in all the high schools in our school division.

Canada's Education Systems Chart

Graduation Requirements for English Program

Graduation Requirements for French Program

Manitoba Government Student Guide

Manitoba Education and Training

Manitoba Curriculum

Post-Secondary Pathways in Canada


Winnipeg Helpful Links

 Click here  to find a list of helpful links for your International Student experience.

Divisional Calendars
LRSD 6-day calendar 2022-2023

Division Map 

Louis Riel School Division Map 

Locate School in LRSD

LRSD Schools

List of Schools


You can learn more by visiting our Frequently Asked Questions page.