
Louis Riel School Division's International Student Program (ISP) is accredited and a member of EduCanada, the Canadian Association of Public Schools - International (CAPS-I) and Manitoba Council for International Education (MCIE). Each year LRSD's ISP (LRSDGoGlobal) welcomes hundreds of students from around the world to study at our schools and to enjoy the educational experience of a lifetime in Canada.

LRSDGoGlobal offers:

  • Quality, affordable educational experiences
  • The opportunity for students to attend classes in either English or French
  • English support for students who are new to the language
  • Top quality programming across a broad range of courses and programs for young adults
Full Year and Semester Programs

Manitoba Curriculum

All schools implement Manitoba government curriculum. Grades 9 to 12 students may earn credits towards a Manitoba high school diploma.

The Manitoba high school diploma is recognized worldwide and many students graduate from our schools and go on to pursue post-secondary education in Canada or abroad. Manitoba credits are also transferable between jurisdictions across Canada and in many other countries around the world.

Semester System

The Canadian school year runs from September to June, There are two semesters:

  • First semester - September to January
  • Second semester - February to June

Course options vary in each semester at each school. All school offer Manitoba curriculum courses required to graduate. 

Secondary Schools

Collège Béliveau (French Immersion, Grade 7 - 12)ydI3_CM7_400x400.jpg

Collège Béliveau promotes learning en français while enriching our community with independent, respectful, responsible and engaged citizens. Our learning community offers an environment that promotes professional and personal learning for all its members. Our school is unique in North America in that it was the first to offer a High School French Immersion program in a totally French milieu.

Collège Jeanne-Sauvé (French Immersion, Grade 9- 12)College_Jeanne-Sauve-scale_211x250.jpg

Collège Jeanne-Sauvé is a Grade 9-12 French Immersion high school. We are proud of our academic and extracurricular programs that prepare students well for lifelong learning. In addition to the traditional academic courses delivered in the French language we offer a variety of programs such as Music, Fine Arts, Leadership, Spanish, Special Education, Information and Communication Technologies, Theatre Arts, and many more.

Dakota Collegiate (English, Grade 9- 12) Dakota-Collegiate-Logo.png

Dakota Collegiate is one of the most innovative, progressive, and inclusive secondary schools in Manitoba. Close to 100 elective courses and more than 60 extra-curricular groups and activities make it easy to find your place. Realize your potential and become a Lancer for life!

Glenlawn Collegiate (English, Grade 9- 12)images-1.png

Glenlawn Collegiate believes in providing students with a stimulating, supportive and positive environment in which they can realize their potential as thinking, caring human beings, and in which they can develop academically, socially, aesthetically, physically and emotionally. In promoting our motto, “Striving for Excellence,” we will maintain an atmosphere in which individuals feel safe and valued as members of the school community.

J. H. Bruns Collegiate (English, Grade 9- 12)images.jpg

J.H. Bruns Collegiate was named after Brother Joseph H. Bruns S.M., who had a lengthy and renowned career as an educator in St. Boniface. He served as Superintendent for 12 years of his thirty-six year career. The school opened its doors to students in the suburb of Southdale in September 1972, and has experienced many changes since its inception.

Nelson McIntyre Collegiate (English, Grade 9- 12)nmc-logo-sm-website.png

Nelson McIntyre Collegiate is a Grade 9 - 12 High School in the Louis Riel School Division with a mandate to reimagine high school for the 21st century. It focuses on 21st century skills that we call the 6Cs (Fullan, 2014). These are: Communication, Critical Thinking, Creativity, Collabo-ration, Citizenship, and Character. With an enrollment of approximately 280 students, Nelson McIntyre Collegiate is a small school with big opportunities.

Windsor Park Collegiate (English, Grade 9- 12)images%20(2).png

The ultimate aim of Windsor Park Collegiate is to provide a positive learning environment in which students are able to succeed academically, and to develop into responsible citizens who are prepared to contribute to an ever-changing society. In the year of nineteen hundred and sixty, in the community of Windsor Park, there opened a school that became a legend. Only one other school in North America had this unique hexagonal architecture.

Summer Enrichment Program


Every summer, LRSD hosts a summer enrichment program as part of its Summer School. Current or future ISP students attend from 2 to 4 weeks.

Participating in the summer enrichment program:

  • adds to students' educational experience while they are in Canada
  • takes learning beyond the classroom
  • allows students to explore Canadian culture in and around Winnipeg
  • provides an environment in which students can practice using English

Summer Enrichment Program 2025 Information - Click Here!

Apply Now - Click Here!

Post-secondary Program - ATC


The Louis Riel Arts and Technology Centre (LRATC) is a leader in technical and career education. International students may join local Canadian students who attend local high schools, to pursue their interests and exciting career opportunities. Students enrolled at LRATC get practical, hands-on training. They learn the skills they need for success in their chosen vocational program by industry standard practical work and learning the associated theory.

Louis Riel School Division - Arts & Technology Centre is proud to be a Designated Learning Institution. It's registration record is DLI # O19708693987 (The first character is the letter O.) 

LRATC is pleased to be able to offer relevant technical, trade and career education in eleven programs including:


  1. Fees for international students can be found here:
  2. Available space may be limited for International Students and varies year by year.  
Apply Now - Click Here!

LRSD reserves the right to modify or cancel any program, process or procedure without notice or prejudice.

LRATC Outstanding Graduate's Voice

Cultural Enrichment Program

A Unique Opportunity to Explore Global Citizenship

Schools provide meaningful and engaging experiences that foster personal, social and academic growth and prepare students for a bright future. Today, more than ever before, schools must also assist students to appreciate global citizenship and an internal perspective in our increasingly connected world. Cultural enrichment experiences help to develop "citizens of the world," and the Louis Riel School Division's Cultural Enrichment Program supports this goal. 

The Participants

Students in Grades 10-12 from each of our high schools are being invited to apply to participate in a cultural enrichment exchange program with one of our cooperating schools. Any student registered in Grades 10-12 in a Louis Riel School Division high school (must be a Canadian citizen or hold permanent resident status) may apply. The administration team of each of the high schools will consider the applications and will make the final selections.  

Successful applicants selected will stay in homestays which have been carefully selected by the host countries’ school administration. All homestay families can speak some English. Students will attend school and participate in the school program. Excursions to local sites, businesses, nearby communities, and cultural attractions will complement the cultural experience.

The Benefits

In addition to learning about a foreign culture, our students will have an opportunity to develop an appreciation for

  • International culture, traditions, languages and lifestyles
  • International interdependence and cooperation
  • The importance of diplomacy, its processes, protocols and benefits
  • Canada's role in the global community
  • Canada's cultural diversity and heritage

The Schools and Programs

The Cultural Enrichment Programs that are available are similar as well as being somewhat unique. Four of the programs are true exchange programs. In these programs, LRSD students go to their partner country and stay with a student and their family. That student then comes to stay with the LRSD student and their family. 

The programs are of various lengths of time and occur at different times in the school year. Dates are determined annually and are communicated to LRSD high schools directly. 

1. Japan       Meitoku Gijuku High School in Kochi City

Meitoku Gijuku is a high school in southern Japan with an enrolment of 1050 students. In its Japanese immersion program, LRSD students will study written and spoken Japanese. They will also participate in numerous cultural activities with other Japanese immersion students from Australia, China, Korea, Thailand, and Vietnam.

Students selected will stay in the school’s dormitory, and the school’s cafeteria provides all the meals. Students can learn about bamboo production, visit a paper factory, or take in the history and sites in Kochi City. They also will join one of the school’s many clubs that focus on sports, martial arts or the fine arts.

In this program the students stay in dormitories at the school. The stay in Japan is almost eight weeks long taking place from the beginning of Semester Two. Families are not required to host Meitoku students in this program.

Cultural Enrichment Program Application

2. Germany       Stadtteilschule Bergstedt High School in Hamburg

Stadtteilschule Bergstedt is a high school in northern Germany with an enrolment of 1100 students. In its international program, LRSD students will have an opportunity to learn about German culture and history. A knowledge of the German language is not required but students will be introduced to the foundations of the language. In addition, students will have an opportunity to participate in German family life and experience cultural activities with their fellow students and host families. 

Excursions to local sites, businesses, nearby communities, and cultural attractions will complement the experience. Students can learn about the important role that Hamburg has played as one of the largest ports in Europe.

The program begins with students from LRSD attending school for four weeks in May-June and students from Bergstedt coming to stay with students for three weeks beginning in October. Interested families must be able to host a student in their home.

Cultural Enrichment Program Application

3. Italy       Istituto Alberghiero Molfetta 

Located in Southern Italy on the Adriatic Sea is the beautiful city of Molfetta. Instituto Alberghiero has an enrollment of approximately 1000 students. This school specializes in Italian cuisine and prepares students for careers in restaurants and hotels. Traditional high school subjects are also taught at the school.

The Italian exchange is about three weeks in duration and involves staying with Italian families and hosting the student when they come to Winnipeg. Students travelling to Molfetta will have the opportunity to enjoy a three day stay in Rome which would include city tours, visiting the Vatican and experiencing the Colosseum.

(Please note: This program is full for 2023-2024). Next available date is September 2024.

Cultural Enrichment Program Application

4. Chile       Saint Matthew High School in Villarrica 

Saint Matthew High School in Villarrica is in southern Chile on a beautiful plain at the base of tall mountains including an active volcano. The school is a K-12 school with an enrollment of just over 500 students.

Being able to speak some Spanish is an asset but willingness to learn the language is most important. Most people living in Villarrica only speak Spanish. However, English is taught at every grade in the school. Many students, and some staff can converse in English.

The length of stay in Chile is somewhat flexible with ninety days being the maximum. Most students in the past have chosen to stay for about four weeks. 

Cultural Enrichment Program Application

5. China       Luzhou High School (currently suspended)

Luzhou High School is in Sichuan Province in south central China. The school and the school grounds cover over 180 hectares, and the school has more than 7,700 students and almost 600 teachers. This exchange program is somewhat shorter than the others. LRSD students spend two weeks in China and the students from China spend two weeks in Winnipeg in July.

Students going to China stay in the dormitories at the school and are accompanied by school division staff for the duration of the stay. Daily activities and excursions are planned to include visiting the world-famous Panda sanctuary in Cheng Du City. 

Luzhou High School is a very highly ranked school in China and has many years of experience with exchange programs with the United Kingdom and the United States of America.

Selected students may be asked to host a Chinese student for two weeks in July.

(Please note: This program is currently suspended).

Cultural Enrichment Program Application

6. Mexico       Instituto Tepeyac in Puerto Vallarta (currently suspended)

Instituto Tepeyac is in the city of Puerto Vallarta. Puerto Vallarta is a city in the State of Jalisco, Mexico, which is located on the Pacific Ocean side of the country. Instituto Tepeyac is a K-12 school with modern buildings, a swimming pool, and athletic fields. 

Students involved in this cultural exchange will have the opportunity to learn about the culture and history of Mexico. Tourism makes up a significant portion of the economy in this region of Mexico (as well as agriculture and manufacturing).

LRSD students will be staying with families that live near the school and will host their partner from Mexico at their home later in the year.

Cultural Enrichment Program Application

7. Spain       Eurocolegio Casvi Castillo De Villaviciosa in Madrid

Casvi is on the outskirts of Madrid. It is a beautiful, modern school with a long history of experience in international education. Students enrolled at Casvi are from many countries in the world as well as local students who live in Madrid. Selected students will live in Madrid and can expect to attend school and will experience the culture and history of the region.

Spanish is spoken in the school, but most students are also developing skills in English. Staff at the school are mostly bilingual. This cultural exchange experience would be best suited for students who want to improve their Spanish and are in Grades 10 or 11.

Students will be staying with families that live near the school and our students will host their partner from Spain at their home later in the year.

Cultural Enrichment Program Application

8. France       Lycée Gabriel Faure in Tournon-sur-Rhône, France

This school region is in the south-east of France in the city of Auvergne which is surrounded by mountains. Lycée Gabriel Faure school in Tournon-sur-Rhône, is part of the organization calle DAREIC – Délégation Académique aux Relations Européennes, Internationales et à la Coopération. They are very experienced with exchange programs and have been operating exchange programs with other Canadian cities in the past. The school is the second oldest school in France.

This will be our second exchange program with France. This program will provide an opportunity for French Immersion students to further develop and refine their language skills. It may also be an incentive for students in English schools to pursue acquisition of a second language. It most certainly will provide an opportunity for students to experience French culture and to understand our national heritage and the importance of developing cultural competency.

LRSD students will stay with families that live near the school and will host their partner from France at their home later in the year.

 Cultural Enrichment Program Application

The Courses, Credits and Evaluation

This program is designed to enhance your current educational experience; therefore, you will have the opportunity to earn a 0.5 high school credit during your time away and your involvement in Winnipeg. This credit will be treated as "out-of-country" credit when students complete the exchange. Evaluation of your progress in the program will be at the discretion of the cultural enrichment facilitator who will submit formal written reports once the program is completed.

For a truly authentic writing experience, students will keep a blog and submit a journal at the end of their studies. They will be invited to share their experience through presentation to school groups, government agencies, service groups and local media after returning to Winnipeg.

Program Costs

Cultural exchange programs are made available to students at the cost of airfare. Airfare prices have risen, but efforts are made to secure flights at the best price point. Spending money is also needed, and families can determine what they feel is appropriate for spending money.

The Application Process

Any student registered in Grades 10 - 12 in a Louis Riel School Division high school (must be a Canadian citizen or hold permanent resident status) may apply. The application should be submitted to the school administration by the timelines indicated on the application. 

An information meeting will be scheduled for all interested students and parents once we determine the number of applicants. In the meantime, if you have specific questions, please contact:

Al McDermid

Manager, Cultural Enrichment

204 257-7827 ext. 58216 or cell 204 792-9258 
