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Current Students

Health Insurance


It is mandatory for all international students to have valid health insurance while studying in the Louis Riel School Division.

International students studying at Louis Riel School Division are covered under the Plan Policy for new and emergent accidents and illnesses.

This includes:

  • Hospital and medical insurance
  • Prescription drugs
  • Paramedical benefits
  • Emergency and accidental dental treatment as per policy description
  • Accidental death & dismemberment
  • Out-of-Province/Country Emergency Medical Insurance
  • And much more
Please visit for more information.

When will I receive my Healthcare Access Card?

Within the first few weeks of arrival, ALL international students will receive an envelope with:

  • A wallet-sized medical insurance card,
  • A health insurance claim form from,
  • A copy of the insurance policy that provides all information about coverage in addition to instructions for making a claim.
How can I find full details of what is covered in the policy?
How do I activate my account?

Once you receive your card, please visit and enter your LRSD student email address ending in

What if I lose my Healthcare Access card or policy?

To obtain copies of your Healthcare Access card, policy wording or policy summary, you can log in to 'My account' by going to your customized website or  

What do I do if I am sick?

Step 1: Your homestay family, or adult who is responsible for you, must always contact the school when you are missing school because you are ill. If you are seriously injured or are in an accident, the ISP staff must be notified.

Step 2: Go to the nearest walk-in clinic (or hospital). Ask someone to take you if you feel unable or uncomfortable to go on your own.

Step 3:  Visit this website for a list of clinics: https:// You must show your photo identification PLUS your medical insurance card to be seen by a doctor.

 Your GuardMe insurance card is included in your ‘Welcome Folder.’

 **You must keep your GuardMe card with you at all times!

You may have to pay a fee up front to see a doctor. If you do, you can issue a claim to GuardMe to receive your money back (reimbursement). Make sure to get a receipt/proof of payment from the clinic.

Step 4:  Make a Claim – if you have had to pay for a doctor visit or medical service, you can either submit a claim online at or mail in the claim form included in your welcome package.

Additional medical records may be requested to be provided from the doctor if there are questions about the claim.

Where can I seek medical care in Canada?

You can seek medical attention and service anywhere in Canada.

  • A Drugstore or Pharmacy can help you find solutions for minor health issues without seeing a doctor.
  • mobileDOCTOR allows you to connect with a doctor from your phone or computer anytime, anywhere. Go to to sign up.
  • Walk-in Clinics are where you can see a doctor for most health concerns. Visit your local walk-in clinic or go to your customized website or and click on, “Find a Canadian Clinic” to see clinics in your area.
  • Hospitals are for serious emergencies only. Call 911 for emergency assistance. If the hospital asks you to pay, ask for an invoice and submit the invoice to
How do I make a claim?

You must log in to your 'My account' by going to your customized website or to submit your online claim. Scanned receipts are required.

If you would like to submit a claim on behalf of a minor, please go to

How do you find a mobile doctor?

mobileDOCTOR by allows you to connect with Canadian doctors on Maple, a telemedicine company, as a part of your health benefits. Maple provides access to doctors, Canada wide, on your phone, tablet or computer anytime, anywhere.

Seeing a doctor on Maple is safe and reliable, and can help prevent the need to go to a walk-in clinic or Emergency Room.

When outside of Canada the mobileDOCTOR service connecting you to a Canadian doctor in real time remains available 24/7 for advice purposes only.

Please visit for more details. 


  • If your health issue is life threatening or urgent, please go to the Emergency Department at Health Sciences Centre (Children's Hospital) or St. Boniface Hospital, or call 911. If unsure of what to do, please call Health Links 204-788-8200.
  • ISP staff must be told immediately of any accident, hospitalization or emergency surgery. ISP staff will communicate with the student's biological family as soon as possible.
  • Health Links is a 24-hour, 7-days a week telephone information service available in Manitoba. Whether a student has a small medical question or a more urgent need, it may help to first call Health Links at: 204.788.8200. 
  • Refer to "What is an Emergency & When to Contact ISP"


At any time, if you require additional emotional support, please speak with your student service teacher or the coordinator of the program. Students can access psychological services for support and to learn strategies for coping with relationship and family concerns, self-esteem issues, stress, decision-making as well as dialogue about sexuality and gender. 

The GuardMe Student Support Program (GMSSP) provides a safe and inclusive space for students to access mental health support that meets them where they are. It features: 

  • 24/7 counselling support from anywhere Connect with a counsellor in real-time via telephone or chat, or schedule an appointment
  • Counsellor matching Request to be matched with a counsellor based on language, culture, gender, identity, etc.
  • Online peer-to-peer support community Find a safe place to talk anonymously with peers about anything without judgement.
  • Connecting students to community resources Get help from our Family Support Service team to find mental health programs and resources in your local community.
  • Mental health resources and assessment tools Access hundreds of self-directed resources and mental health assessments for anxiety, depression, drug use, and alcohol use through the Student Support app.

Downloading the free Student Support App is quick and easy!

 icon_app_store.png icon_play_store.png kme%20Website%20QR%20Code.png                     

Resources - Mental Health Awareness 

Addictions Foundation of MB

Sexuality Education Resource Centre

Klinic Community Health

Youville Teen Clinic

Rainbow Resource Centre

Mental Health Resource Guide-Winnipeg

Student Mental Health/Counselling Crisis Response Center
Enrollment Letter and Transcript

Enrollment Letter

If you have applied to the program through an agent, please contact your agent who will assist you to obtain your enrollment letter. 

If you submitted your application independently, please send email to to request your enrollment letter.  


To request an official transcript, please visit your school.

Study Permit and Co-op Work Permit

It is the student's responsibility to ensure the Study and Co-op Permits are required in a timely manner. If your study permit indicates that you are not authorized to engage in any employment in Canada, please contact your agent, if applicable, or a Registered Canadian Immigration Consultant (RCIC) for assistance.

All students must apply for a Co-op Work Permit through IRCC website:

Please apply 8-12 weeks prior to your first internship or co-op employment. You are not permitted to begin your internship or co-op employment until after you have received your Coop Work Permit, which must list the employer as either Louis Riel School Division or Louis Riel Arts & Technology Center. For information on Work Permits, go to IRCC website at

Work Practicums/Internships

Students registered in a certificate program must complete the required work experience internship for program completion. Times and duration are determined by the program. Students who have met all the necessary program requirements will receive a program certificate. Students must achieve a minimum of 70% overall average in their program to receive a completion certificate.

Internship information
Co-op Work Permit Required
Automotive Technology 
4 week off-campus at the end of the program
Baking & Pastry Arts
2 week off-campus, at the end of each semester
Broadcast Media
3 week off-campus, at the end of the program
Culinary Arts
4 week off-campus at the end of the program
Early Childhood Educator
Start in first 3 weeks of the program, twice a week off-campusYes
Esthetics Certificate
Work on campus
Electrical Trades
Work on campus
1 week off-campus in Part 3
Information Systems Architect
4 week off-campus at the end of the program
New Media Design
Work on campus
Plumbing Trades
4 week off-campus at the end of the program
Social Insurance Number (SIN) and T2202 Form (ATC students ONLY)

The Social Insurance Number (SIN) is a nine-digit number used in the administration of various Federal Government programs. You will require a SIN to work in Canada or to receive government benefits. An employer cannot pay you without a SIN. 

To apply for a SIN, you must complete an application form and provide an original document that proves your identity (Passport and Work Permit) and status in Canada. There is no fee for the SIN. You are required to apply in person at a Service Canada Centre or via Service Canada website. For further information, refer to

To receive your T2202 tax form, you will need to provide ATC office with your SIN and confirm your phone number, address and email address. T2202 tax form is released annually, usually near the end of February via email. If you start your program in February, you will receive your tax form the following year.
Helpful Website Links and Contact Numbers

School websites have helpful information including contact numbers, addresses with maps and school calendars. School websites can be found through the Louis Riel School Division website at:
