School Plan 2019-2020
École Howden takes pride in its programming to meet students’ diverse needs. Our school planning process is guided by the Louis Riel School Division’s Multi-Year Strategic Planning. The four strategic priorities parallel the quadrants of the Circle of Courage, an Indigenous inspired whole-learner framework for a holistic journey that incorporates concepts of Belonging, Mastery, Independence and Generosity.
Independence: Creating a Culture of Inquiry and Responsibility
- Implementing assistive technology supports for students with academic challenges in reading and writing.
- Increasing the environmental awareness of our students for recycling in our school
- Enhancing critical thinking skills through the Optimal Learning Method in daily writing
Generosity: Creating a Culture of Caring and Collaboration
- Staff and students will increase their awareness and deepen their understanding of Indigenous perspectives (past, present and future) with support from the LRSD's Indigenous Education Support Team and MTS Teacher-Led Team:
- Treaty #1 acknowledgement in daily announcements
- Professional development:
- Blanket exercise
- Exploring Treaty Education
- Portal through the Indigenous Education LRSD web page
- Reconciliation PD
- Develop our citizenship, compassion and cultural conscience regarding the environment
- Create an environment committee to review our recycling practices
- Earth Day celebration
Mastery: Creating a Culture of Learning and Well Becoming
- Introducing the literacy pilot project in Grade 1:
- Learning the sounds and their rules to read and spell words by using a multi-sensory approach
- Repeat all evaluations for K-1 students while adding fine motor evaluation this year
- Analyze all data with school psychologist, occupational therapist, speech and language pathologist, Student Services teachers, literacy teacher and school administration
- Develop French resources to support all students in this initiative
- Supporting our student's well-being and well becoming:
- Application of common strategies: mindfulness, zones of regulation, Big Brain/Little Brain, conflict resolution wheel
Belonging: Creating a Culture of Equity and Inclusion
- Enhancing and developing our understanding of Indigenous perspectives
- Creating opportunities to network with community members
- Enhancing student's school pride
- Howden wear on Fridays, visibility of our mascot Kinta
- School playground renewal project (PAC)