Code of Conduct
School Expectations:
École Howden wishes to ensure that its school is a welcoming, safe and caring school community – an environment where effective teaching and learning can occur. It is expected that all students will conduct themselves appropriately at school as well as at divisional sponsored activities in the larger community.
Attributes of appropriate behaviour include but are not limited to:
- respect for self and others;
- empathy;
- cooperation;
- courtesy;
- responsibility;
- honesty.
Conflict is a natural part of the growth process. When issues arise they will be dealt with promptly and fairly. Students will be expected to participate actively in the resolution of conflicts or problems. Responses to behaviour occur with consideration for individual needs and circumstances.
Effective behaviour management strategies:
- promote self-discipline;
- are pro-active;
- consider developmental differences;
- are based on fair and equitable treatment;
- support constructive behaviour change;
- respect the findings of educational research;
- consider the safety and welfare of the school community.
Adults have the responsibility to model for students those attributes and behaviours which support a positive learning environment. Parents and Guardians play a significant role in shaping their child’s behaviour and attitudes and therefore a constructive partnership with the home is crucial.
The following regulations are taken from the Public Schools Act:
- Pupils and staff must behave in a respectful manner and comply with the code of conduct
- Bullying, abusing physically, sexually or psychologically, orally, in writing, or otherwise, of any person, is unacceptable
- Discriminating unreasonably on the basis of any characteristic set out in subsection 9 (2) of The Human Rights Code is unacceptable
- Pupils and Staff must adhere to school policies respecting appropriate use of electronic mail and the Internet, including the prohibition of material that the school has determined to be objectionable.
In short, the following are not tolerated at École Howden:
- defiance of authority
- fighting
- threats
- possession of dangerous objects
- defacing/damaging property
- defiance of school rules
- inappropriate physical contact
- abusive language/gestures
- harassment (verbal, physical, sexual)
- use/possession of knife/weapon
- racial slurs
- bullying
In the Louis Riel School Division disciplinary consequences of violations of the Code of Conduct are:
- classroom intervention
- parent contact
- behaviour/performance contract
- counseling
- formal conference
- temporary withdrawal from classroom
- removal of privileges
- restitution and restorative justice
- Clinical Services Unit involvement
- in-school suspension
- out-of-school suspension
- police/service agency involvement
- expulsion
If a problem situation is serious or repeated, parents or guardians will be asked to meet with the teacher and/or administration to discuss the problem.
Parents will be informed of such problems either in writing or by phone. Teachers or administration will contact parents or guardians as soon as possible.
Following an out-of-school suspension, a re-entry meeting will occur to review school expectations.
Where the safety of other students' learning and well-being is affected, an immediate suspension may result. Length of suspensions will vary according to the severity and type of incident.