Glenwood School Plan
Glenwood School Plan
The Glenwood School Plan is connected to and finds direction and inspiration from the Louis Riel School Division’s Multi-Year Strategic Plan. The MYSP is informed by the Manitoba Government's K to 12 Education Action Plan, Manitoba’s Indigenous Education Policy Framework – Mamàhtawisiwin: The Wonder We Are Born With and the International Science and Evidence based Education (ISEE) Assessment published in 2022.
It is our hope that that through careful planning and implementation we can improve our school, the efficacy of the staff, the education of the students and the wellbeing of our community.
In September of 2022, the staff began looking at school and student data from a variety of sources including: report card data, socio-economic information, OurSchool surveys, attendance information, and other informal and formal assessments and data gathering efforts.
As a result, staff identified areas where new initiatives and improvements of pedagogy and programming are believed to be the next step in responding to the needs of the students and community of Glenwood School.
The Glenwood School Plan areas of Focus include:
- Literacy
- Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Anti-Racist education
- Multi-Lingual Learners (English as an additional Language)
- Community Connections
- Wellness
Our literacy goal is to promote the implementation of the Science of Reading for all learners, beginning with Kindergarten to Grade 2 students. This will strengthen learner-centered approaches that build on the unique needs of all students including multilingual leaders, indigenous and neurodiverse students. We will use authentic assessment that informs teaching practices to ensure accurate reporting to parents as well as the routine use of early screening measures to provide proactive interventions when students first enter school and to continually monitor a student’s progress. We strive to strengthen parent – school connections through joint literacy activities and learning opportunities.
Some of the activities completed in 2023-2024 include:
- The creation of family resources to support the development of literacy skills in the home.
- A Family Literacy Night that brought together families and professionals to promote the principles of good literacy support and instruction with a “family” lens.
- Supported the Professional Development of staff in targeted areas. (OG, Testing, Science of Reading.)
- Working towards unifying instructional practices and supports within grade level teams.
- This includes re-structuring: assessments, interventions, and reporting practices.
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Anti-Racist education
At Glenwood School we will focus on the inclusion of every member of our school community. We will work to ensure that every person is welcomed, accepted, valued, safe and cared for while at school. Belonging has been a priority in the past and it will continue to be a priority in the future.
A focus will be on ensuring that our newcomer families and our multi-lingual families have a system in place that welcomes them to the school and the community and prepares students for learning in both functional and academic ways.
Some of the activities completed in 2023-2024 include:
- Creation of resources to improve students’ functional language when they first are introduced to the school.
- Creation of resources to improve students’ ability to engage in the educational language and skills needed to not only survive at school, but to thrive.
- Creation of a flow of resources that accurately assesses and programs for our learners.
- The ongoing professional development of staff in the area of Indigenous Education, and Anti-Racist Education.
- Continued development of programming that is culturally relevant and sensitive to the diverse needs of individuals in Glenwood School.
- Continued celebration of calendar events that represent the diverse nature of our school.
Community Connections
At Glenwood school we hope to create a safe, inclusive, and accessible space both indoor and outdoor. This includes the community. We aim to connect our school to the greater community by creating programs that connect students and their families to the resource is in the community.
A focus will on the continued programming of the Glenwood Family Centre and the work of our Community Liaison Worker.
Some of the activities completed in 2023-2024 include:
- Working toward the revitalization of our school Parent Action Committee (PAC).
- The continuation of our snack program and research into other food distribution funding and programming.
- Additional Sports Programming: First skate program, grade 5/6 evening soccer program.
- The promotion of our collaboration with Glenwood Community in regards to our Community Garden initiative.
At Glenwood School we encourage all students to find their passions and feel a sense of belonging through a learner centered approach students have the autonomy to participate in clubs based on student voice and choice. Student and family passions are celebrated and shared among staff, students, and the community.
Some of the activities completed in 2023-2024 include:
- Creation of school clubs that target students not already involved in school activities. (Some examples below.)
- Continuation of the Powwow Club
- Creation of a Dungeons and Dragons Club
- Implementation of the Kitchen Brigades Cooking opportunity.
- Restructuring of recess and lunch times to allow for greater use of our playgrounds to mitigate the problems of a growing school and to improve student well-being.
- Improved access to community resources through our website.
- Connections with our LRSD Clinical Services Unit for on-going professional development for staff on Trauma Informed Education and wellness.
Glenwood continues to focus on Literacy, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Anti-Racist education (Multi-Lingual Learners), Community Connections, and Wellness as we progress towards the goals of our multi-year plan. Continuing with the progress of 23/24 staff will be working collaboratively to identify next steps in each category for the 24/25 year.