Samuel Burland Parents Association
The Samuel Burland Parents Association is a very enthusiastic committee. With the support of the school staff, we strive to help make Samuel Burland a better place in which our children grow and learn. The continued dedication of our families lets us achieve the goals that we set out each year.
It is the belief of the SBPA and teachers in the Samuel Burland Community that cooperation and mutual support between the home and the school significantly enhances the character development and educational potential of our children. It is our view that we are members of the same team working towards the same goals.
Together, we fully accept the responsibility to our children and are committed to working together in providing them with an environment which will maximize their growth, development and build a foundation from which they will grow into responsible, happy, confident, productive citizens. Our goal is to to support and enhance the growth, development and educational opportunities for the children in Samuel Burland School.
The SBPA is responsible for creating new and exciting fundraisers, hot lunch days, special activities and events such as parent information nights, BBQs, movie nights, and staff appreciation events. We also help purchase new technology and outdoor improvements such as new playground equipment and beautifying the gardens.
We will continue to assist and volunteer wherever we are required, and with the support of this community, we will achieve the highest goals set out for Samuel Burland School.
The SBPA holds monthly meetings. Each parent of a student at Samuel Burland School is a member of the SBPA. As such we encourage all existing and new parents to become involved with our committee. Everyone at Samuel Burland School deserves a voice to be heard and join in our planning and organizing for the school events through out the year. You do not have to hold a chair position to have a voice. We encourage everyone to take part. We look forward to meeting new parents each year.
Follow us on Facebook at Samuel Burland School Parents.