Lunch Program
Welcome to the École Van Belleghem Lunch Program. The objective of the lunch program is to provide a safe and pleasant environment for children staying for lunch. As in the case with all schools in the Louis Riel School Division and in most other metro school divisions, the lunch program has become a user pay program. The program will only be collecting the necessary funds to provide supervision to ensure a safe and pleasant environment for children over the lunch hour.
Full fees will be charged to all users, regular or occasional. A letter with information regarding the fees is sent to all parents in September.
Our lunch hour is from 12:00 p.m. to 12:55 p.m. Students in grades 1-8 have lunch in their classrooms. Adult supervision is provided both inside the classroom and outside on the playground during the lunch hour. (A teacher is on call during the lunch hour in case of emergency)
The school board provides accommodation for students during lunch hour at school with the understanding that this is a privilege and responsible student behaviour must accompany this privilege.
Students must abide by lunchroom rules and school rules throughout the lunch hour.
- Use indoor voice
- Stay seated
- Raise your hand to request assistance or permission to leave the room
- Place all your garbage in the receptacle
- Students must stay on school grounds. Grades 7 and 8 students who have a signed permission form will be given permission to leave the school grounds. Students are expected to be respectful in the community while they are away during the lunch period. If there are any concerns brought to the administration's attention, parents will be contacted, and the appropriate follow-up will be taken.
- Grade 1 to 3 students have lunch recess at 12:00 p.m. to 12:25 p.m. and eat lunch in their classroom from 12:25 p.m. to 12:55 p.m. Grade 4 to 8 students eat lunch in their classroom from 12:00 p.m. to 12:25 p.m and have lunch recess from 12:25 p.m. to 12:55 p.m.
Failure to abide by lunch hour rules can result in a suspension from regular lunchtime accommodation. Repeated problems can result in temporary or permanent withdrawal of the privilege. Parents will be notified and involved prior to any disciplinary action regarding possible suspension of the lunch privilege.
Please note that for students having lunch at school, white milk or chocolate milk may be purchased by a punch card for $20 for 20 milks of 250 ml at the office.
N.B. We cannot be responsible for lost cards. The child's name and room number will be written on the card.
N.B. Please keep in mind that École Van Belleghem is a peanut/nut safe school when planning your child's lunch. DUE TO LIFE THREATNING ALLERGIES, please do not send food items that contains peanuts/nuts, derivatives or foods containing traces of nuts.
Division Scolaire Louis Riel School Division