Alternate Ways to Earn Credits
Students are encouraged to consult with their school counsellors for more information regarding any of the alternatives listed below. Note that fees may be charged for some of the following alternatives. If you see some that interest you, please reach out to staff.
Arts and Technology Center (ATC)
The Arts & Technology Centre is an extension of the Louis Riel School Division high schools for Grade 11 and 12 students. Students who choose ATC as part of their high school studies take the majority of their Grade 11 & 12 elective courses at ATC and their compulsory courses at their home school. Students typically attend ATC for one semester in Grade 11 for Part 1 of a program and then may return for another semester, in Grade 12, to take Part 2 of their program. Talk to your Student Services Teacher about other possible patterns.
Students register at their home school, allowing them to participate in school events and extra-curricular activities including sports, music and student government. Students graduate with their classmates at their home school. In addition to their regular high school diploma and an ATC certificate, student in most programs earn a Technology Education High School Diploma. Students may also choose to complete all or part of a program following high school graduation (no tuition fees for the first 4 credits after graduation).
ATC students who hold evening or summer jobs may be eligible to obtain high school credits towards graduation and time credit towards continued apprenticeship training by applying for the High School Apprenticeship Program. Students are encouraged to bring and use their own electronic devices.
Students are encouraged to participate in intramural activities available at lunch time through our open gym program, as well as the student advisory committee (student government).
See your Student Services Teacher to include ATC courses as part of your Grade 11 and 12 or Post-Secondary Plans.
For detailed information on the programs and courses offered at ATC for the school year, including the High School Apprenticeship Program, find the course calendar here.
Adult Learning Centres
Adult learning centres offer a range of high school credit courses for adult learners. For more information, see the Directory of Certified Adult Literacy Programs & Adult Learning Centres, available at
Students can earn up to two (2) credits for successful completion of the Cadet basic and advanced training programs. The Cadet credits are recognized only as additional credits beyond the minimum 30 credits required for high school graduation. For more information, see the Policy for Recognition of Completion of Cadet Training Programs, available at .
Career Development Internship
The Career Development Internship (CDI) credit option is intended to recognize and encourage the skills development and experience students acquire through internships. Student may earn up to two (2) CDI high school credits for an unpaid internship. For more information, see the Career Development Internship Guidelines, available at
Credit for Employment
Credit for Employment (CFE) allows students to earn high school credit for paid work experience. Students may earn a maximum of two (2) CFE credits towards high school graduation. For more information, see the Credit for Employment Guidelines, available at
High School Apprenticeship Program
The High School Apprenticeship Program (HSAP) allows students to begin apprenticeship training while in high school. It combines regular high school instruction with paid, part-time, on-the-job apprenticeship training. Students may earn up to eight (8) credits towards high school graduation and collect apprenticeship hours. For more information, visit the HSAP web page at sy_app_option.html
Private Music Option
Students can obtain up to four (4) additional credits beyond the minimum 30 credits required for high school graduation upon the successful completion of Royal Conservatory of Music or Conservatory Canada exams. For more information, visit the Private Music Option web page at
Remote Learning
Remote learning is a method of accessing courses of study even though students and their teachers or instructors may be in different physical locations. For more information, visit the Remote Learning MB website at
Royal Winnipeg Ballet
Students can earn credits when they are registered in the senior levels of the Royal Winnipeg Ballet professional program.
Summer School
InformNet courses provide students with daily instruction, assignments, and evaluation through regular email and web-based interaction from a certified high school teacher. Summer session is open to all students in Manitoba who have not successfully completed a course(s) during the regular academic year or wish to improve their passing grade. For more information, visit InformNet: Manitoba’s Online High School.
The Louis Riel School Division also hosts a Summer Learning Academy where students can sign-up for up to two Repeater or one Non-Repeater course.
Special Language Credit Option
There are two pathways where students may be awarded up to four (4) special language credits:
- By presenting recognized non-Manitoba credentials (transcripts, report cards, certificates of standing, etc.) that demonstrate prior instruction or proficiency in languages other than English or French.
- If you read, write and speak in a language other than English or French, you can earn a maximum of four high school credits by writing the Special Language Credit Option Examinations.
- Louis Riel School Division will be offering the Special Language Credit Examinations usually twice per year.
- All students enrolled in high school programming throughout Manitoba, as well as adults enrolled in Adult Education classes are eligible to apply to write the examinations for a fee of $65.00.
For more information, visit the Special Language Credit Option.
Student Initiated Projects (SIP)
Student-Initiated Projects (SIPs) including sharing of such courses across the province. Students can select a maximum three SIPs across their Senior Years to use towards graduation.
Community Service Student-Initiated Project
Students can make a contribution by volunteering for worthwhile causes or organizations. The civic skills, knowledge and attitudes obtained from such community service activity can increase a student's self esteem and maturity, and provide more awareness of the needs of others in the community. A credit may be available to a student who participates in such activity in the senior years for graduation purposes and does not require departmental registration.
For more information, visit Locally Developed Curricula: School-Initiated Courses and Student-Initiated Projects.
Cultural Exploration Student-Initiated Project
Students can gain valuable educational experience by enhancing their knowledge of their own cultural origins or a cultural group that interests them through interaction with community members such as elders and members of cultural organizations. The skills, knowledge and attitudes obtained from such activities can increase a student’s self-esteem and maturity, strengthen cultural identity and/or provide greater intercultural understanding and an appreciation of cultural diversity. A credit may be available to a student who participates in such activity in the senior years for graduation purposes and does not require departmental registration.
For more information, visit Locally Developed Curricula: School-Initiated Courses and Student-Initiated Projects.