Course Descriptions

This interactive course handbook is intended to give you quick access to course descriptions at Windsor Park Collegiate. Clicking the name of the course will take you to the description. Please note - the flow from Grade 9-12 in this chart does not necessarily mean each course is a prerequisite for the next.

The following chart identifies the compulsory courses for each grade level that are required by the Department of Education for high school graduation.

Grade 9Grade 10Grade 11Grade 12
English E10F

Life-Work Technology LWE15S

Reading is Thinking RT15S

English E20F
English Comprehensive Focus ECOMF30S
English Comprehensive Focus

English Comprehensive (CIP)
English Comprehensive Focus CIP EMF40S-CS

Technical Communication CIP (Second Credit)
Mathematics (At least one choice at each grade level) 
Math M10FEssential
Essential ME30S
Intro to Applied and Pre-Calculus
Applied MA30S
Applied MA40S

Pre-Calculus MPC40S
Physical Education (At least one choice at each grade level)
Physical Education PE10FPhysical Education PE20F
Physical Education
Physical Education
Social Studies
Canada in the Contemporary World
Geographic Issues
History of Canada
Additional Grade 11 and 12 courses can be taken as electives
Science SC10F
Additional Grade 11 & 12 courses can be taken as electives
Reading Is Thinking 
Reading Is Thinking RT10SAdditional Grade 10 courses can be taken as electives. 


  • Although not compulsory, additional Grade 11 and 12 science, social studies, math, and English courses can be considered as electives.
  • Students are encouraged to listen to the math course recommendation made by their math teachers and speak to them if they wish to register for a math course that they have not been recommended.

Elective Course List

The remaining credits that are required for graduation may be chosen from the list of electives. It is important to check to make sure you have passed or will pass any prerequisite courses by the time the new school year begins.

For more information on how many electives to select or which electives will support post-secondary plans, click on your grade's "Registration Information" on the left sidebar.

Grade 9Grade 10Grade 11Grade 12
Reading Is Thinking
Reading Is Thinking

General Studies
Career Development: Life/Work Studies

Visual Arts VA10G
Visual Arts VA20S
Visual Arts VA30S
Visual Arts VA40S
Drama DA10G
Drama DA20S
Drama DA30S
Drama DA40S
*Musical Theatre MT10S*Musical Theatre MT20S*Musical Theatre MT30S*Musical Theatre MT40S
Guitar GU10SGuitar GU20SGuitar 30S GU30SGuitar 30S GU40S

**Yearbook YB20S**Yearbook YB20S
**Yearbook YB20S

Computer Science CS20SComputer Science CS30SComputer Science CS40S
French FR10FFrench FR20SFrench FR30SFrench FR40S
English as an Additional Language EAL11GEnglish as an Additional Language EAL21G
English as an Additional Language EAL31G
English for Academic Success EAL40S
Human Ecology
Home Ecology HE10GTextile & Design
Textile & Design
Textile & Design
Family Studies FS20GFamily Studies FS30GFamily Studies FS40G/S
Foods & Nutrition FN20GFoods & Nutrition FN30GFoods & Nutrition FN40FS
Industrial Arts
Electronics/Robotics EE10GElectronics/Robotics EE20G
Electronics/Robotics EE30G
Electronics/Robotics EE40G
Graphic Communication Technology GCT10GGraphic Communication Technology GCT20GGraphic Communication Technology GCT30SGraphic Communication Technology GCT40S
Metalwork Technology MET10GMetalwork Technology MET20GMetalwork Technology MET30GMetalwork Technology MET40G
Woodwork Technology WT10GWoodwork Technology WT20GWoodwork Technology WT30GFurniture Design Technology FDT40S
Introduction to Pre-Engineering ENP10SPre-Engineering ENP20SEngineering Design END30SAdvanced Engineering Design ENAD40S
Social Studies Electives
Indigenous Studies IDGS10SIndigenous Studies IDGS20S
Land Based Learning: Wahkohtowin HCCA30S
Land Based Learning: Wahkohtowin FNMI40S
Indigenous Languages ILC11GIndigenous Languages ILC21G
Indigenous Languages ILC31G
Indigenous Languages ILC41G

Cinema as a Witness to Modern History HCW40S

History of Rock & Roll HCW40S

Law LA40S

Psychology PY40S

Math & Science Electives 
Transitional Math MTR10F

Advanced Mathematics MAD45S

Biology B30SBiology B40S

Chemistry C30SChemistry C40S

Physics P30SPhysics P40S

* After School Course

**Lunchtime course