Daily Announcements ~ March 25th

March 25th, 2025 ~ Day 2 (High School Cycle) 

Attention graduates! Edge Imaging will be here on April 14 & 15, 2025 to take retakes and graduation photos for those who missed the original date! Don’t miss out on your opportunity to be featured in the class composite and leave your legacy in the hallways of the school for years to come. Sign up for your photo appointment using our school code WPG at bookmygrad.ca. Not sure what to expect from your grad sitting? Check out this video!

Boys’ soccer meeting on Wednesday, March 26th at lunch in the Woods room.

Girls’ outdoor soccer meeting today at 2:30 pm in Gym 1.

"Rugby team practices start Mondays and Wednesdays after Spring Break. First practice will be Monday April 7th, in gym 2 from 4-5:30pm. See Mr. Nuytten in room 10 with any questions."

Reminder today is Kitchen Brigade workshop - please note the workshop will start at 3:30pm.

A reminder to parents/caregivers that you can now log into SchoolCash to see if there are any outstanding that need to be paid. Fees can now be paid online or in the office via cash, cheque (payable to Windsor Park Collegiate), or debit/credit. Please see link below for the how to page for SchoolCash.

SchoolCash how to page



Lost & Found:

Black ski pants size 14/16 ~ brand X - games

Purple over-head ~ headphones

White New York Yankees ball cap

McDonald's gift card

Pink ear buds

Black earbud & case

Lulu Lemon black jacket with zippers on sleeves

Silver bangle bracelet

4 gold rings found separately in Gym last week