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Weekly reminders for June 24-28th

Good afternoon ESG families,


Please note our weekly reminders for June 24-28th


Last day of school – early dismissal

It is early dismissal on the last day of school (Friday, June 28, 2024).  Classes end at 2:10 p.m.


Field day

On Wednesday, June 26th, our physical education teachers along with our grade 5 students will be hosting a fun field day for all students.  Please make sure your child has a filled water bottle, hat, runners, sunscreen and change of clothes.  Also, all students will be receiving a freezie to celebrate a great 2023-2024 school year!


Spirit week

Next week, we will be having a spirit week.  See attached our themed days calendar.


ESG staff 2024-2025

Please see the attached document of our staffing for the 2024-2025 school year.


Farewell to ESG staff

As we head into the last week of the 2023-2024 school year, we want to extend our heartfelt thanks and best wishes to some of our staff members who are embarking on new adventures for the upcoming school year.

Firstly, we want to thank M. Bailey-Robertson for his work and dedication. Next year, he will be bringing his talents to École Howden, and we wish him every success in his new role. Joining him at École Howden will be Mme Newton, who has also been a vital part of our team. Next year, we also say goodbye to Mme Monica, who will be moving on to École Marie-Anne Gaboury and École Provencher. We wish both M. Bailey-Robertson, Mme Newton, and Mme Monica the best of luck as they begin this new chapter.

We also bid a fond farewell to Mme Phaneuf, Mme Courcelles, and Mme Camp, who all answered the call when we needed to fill some vacancies during the school year.

We would also like to thank Mme Dawne in the front office and wish her well as she heads to Dakota Collegiate after over 23 years at ÉSG. We are so grateful for the positive impact she has had on students and staff at our school. 

Additionally, we thank Mme Amber, who is part of our team of Educational Assistants, and who will be leaving at the end of the year, as well as Mme Isabelle, who will be leaving on maternity leave. We wish her all the best in this exciting time.

Lastly, we say goodbye to our Vice-Principal, Mme Sabourin, who will be heading to École Van Belleghem next year. Her leadership and commitment have greatly benefited our school community, and we are so grateful for her contributions over the past six years at École St. Germain. We wish her all the best at her new school.

Student progress reports online and class placement

Student progress reports will be available online by 4pm on Monday, June 24th.  Class placement for the 2024-2025 will also be emailed along with other important information for the start of the new school year.


Bump-up Event -   On the morning of June 27thour students will be provided with a 30-minute opportunity to meet their new classmates and in most cases their new teachers. The goal of the Bump-up event is to help students get acquainted and begin to form their new learning community. Teachers will facilitate some “get to know you” type activities.  This will reduce anxiety for some and create enthusiasm for all!  Please feel free to contact M. Johnson or Mme Sabourin if you have any questions.  


SLA Camp Brochure

Please find attached the SLA Summer Camp offerings for July.  Ages current Grade 4 – current Grade 8. The cost is $120.00 / Session. AM or PM (half days)