Behaviour Code
École Provencher wishes to ensure that the school is a welcoming, safe and caring school community for all students, which provides an environment where effective teaching and learning can occur. It is expected that all students will conduct themselves appropriately at school and in the larger community.
We believe that effective teaching and learning occurs best in a positive school climate where students behave appropriately. Our staff has an ongoing responsibility to prepare students for their role as citizens and to model these attributes in their daily interactions. Teachers focus learning on friendships, caring, empathy, citizenship and respect. The partnership between the school and the home is strengthened and together schools and parents take responsibility in teaching children and reinforcing appropriate behaviour.
Students and staff need to demonstrate the importance of respect for themselves, others and property.
Students must:
- behave responsibly and in a respectful manner
- show concern for and tolerance for others
- comply with the Code of Conduct
All actions must be safe, not only for themselves, but for everyone as they may not put others at risk. Our goal is student self-discipline.
Our expectations revolve around three beliefs:
Students are expected to:
- demonstrate respect for the rights, roles and responsibilities of other students and staff
- demonstrate respect for the school and the property of others
- adhere to school policies respecting appropriate use of electronic mail and the Internet, including the prohibition of materials that the school has determined to be objectionable
- keep personal belongings at home. The school is not responsible for lost or stolen objects. Also, bringing any dangerous objects to school or any object which is an incentive to violence is not permitted. Students are not permitted to use electronics or cell phones while they are in school. If these types of items are to be brought to school, they must be kept in a school bag and must not be visible.
- wait for the teacher to arrive at the designated area outside in the morning, at recess and at lunch time before entering the school.
- report to the office first in order to obtain a late slip from the secretary before entering their classroom when arriving late for school.
- remember that cycling, roller-skating and skateboarding are not permitted in the playground.
- remove their hat upon entering the school.
The following behaviour is unacceptable, as outlined in the Public Schools Act:
- Bullying, or abusing physically, sexually or psychologically (orally, in writing or otherwise) any person
- Discriminating unreasonably on the basis of any characteristic set out in subsection 9(2) of The Human Rights Code
- Using, possessing or being under the influence of alcohol or illicit drugs at school
- Gang involvement
- Possessing a weapon, as “weapon” is defined in section 2 of the Criminal Code (Canada)
Interventions, including disciplinary consequences for violating the Code of Conduct, are intended to preserve the dignity and self worth of all involved in the disciplinary action. Divisional Policy JK - Student Discipline outlines the procedures for appealing disciplinary decisions.
Interventions/consequences may include:
- Counseling
- Formal conference
- Temporary withdrawal from the classroom
- Removal of privileges
- Detention
- Restitution
- Clinician referral
- Performance contract
- Police involvement
- In-School Suspension
- Out-of-School Suspension
Classroom Discipline Plan
The classroom plan, prepared by the teacher and the students, describes classroom expectations. Its purpose is to make classroom management easier while strongly supporting the School Discipline Plan.
Supervision During Recess
The school will continue to ensure that a minimum of three adults will supervise each recess. We will encourage students to enjoy themselves, respect each other, demonstrate appropriate behaviour and play with caution. To ensure that supervisors are visible during recesses, they will be wearing orange fluorescent vests.
Expectations of students:
- Walk in the hallways.
- Go up the stairs on the right side.
- Leave and enter through their designated entrance.
- Keep their hands and feet to themselves.
- A student can only leave the playground with permission.
- Students line up when the bell rings.
- It is not permitted to throw snow balls, rocks or other dangerous objects.
- Students use appropriate language.
- Students keep their hands and feet to themselves.
- Students sit at the assigned table.
- Students clean up their area before leaving.
- Students are encouraged to talk quietly during lunch.
- If a student continues to behave inappropriately after being warned by the lunch supervisor, the student will be given a consequence by the supervisor. Continued misbehavior will result in the student being sent to the office.
- If a student is unable to abide by the rules during lunch, he/she may be removed from the room for a period of time to be determined or for the remainder of the school year.