Principal's Log - Stars Date December 2nd, 2024
Good afternoon everyone.
I hope you had a lovely weekend in what is now a winter wonderland.
This month, although short, will be a very busy one filled with activities and opportunities to show our school goal of generosity. Once again, we will endeavor to support two charities aimed at helping our fellow Winnipeggers during this holiday season and beyond. Tomorrow kicks off our collections for Main Street Project, an initiative our small school with the big heart has been supporting for years. This event will wrap-up on December 13th.
As well, we will again also collect items for Holiday Hampers. This year will be a little different as classes will partner with their buddies and sign up to bring items. We have contacted the Cheer Board and been given four families in need.
The specific item list will be sent out soon, as we kick-off this event next week. See the December calendar for details on when our campaign runs.
Thank you for supporting these important causes!
Our Winter Concerts will happen on Thursday, December 12th. Our matinee / dress rehearsal will be at 1:00PM with doors opening at 12:30PM and our evening performance will be at 6:30PM with doors opening at 6:00PM. Hope to see you there. Please see the NPAG header for information on the annual bake sale!!
Have a fantastic day!
Please consider joining our NPAG this year!
The Nordale Parents Association is organizing a bake sale to coincide with the schools Winter Concert on Thursday December 12th, 2024.
This has been a great fundraiser for us in the past, generating funding for NPAG initiatives like the end of year BBQ, activity nights and the annual pancake breakfast.
We are looking for baking donations! Baked goods must be nut free and labeled with all included ingredients.
We appreciate your generous support. Baking should be dropped off by 4:00PM on Wednesday, December 11th.
Food purchased from the bake sale must remain unopened during the performances as a precaution for those with food allergies.
Thank you
Basketball will be starting in the New Year with practises starting soon. Watch for a permission slip for our Grade 7 and 8 students.
Joke Of The Week
Why do sharks swim in saltwater?
Because pepper water makes them sneeze!?
Have a great rest of the week!