Weeks Without Walls

​ ​ ​Grade 9/10

Here is the list of 2021-2022 Weeks without Walls to date.  Changes continue to be made as health restrictions change.  Thank you for your patience.


Grade 9 & 10

On the Sidelines of Sport

Exploring Public Art

Snapshots of Winnipeg

Animal Behaviour

Jewelry Arts

Putting on a Radio Play

Careers in Sustainability

Sewing for Social Justice

21st Century Farming


Grade 9 & 10

So you want to be a Chef?

Transportation and Trades

Activism and Human Rights

Metis Beading

Portrait Photography

Learn to Play Hockey

Pop Choir

Plus two more...


Grade 9 & 10



​ ​ ​Grade 11/12

This year, we return to a full credit course for our Career Development in Grade 11 and 12.  As Health Orders and Protocols change, we continue to change our programming.  Thank you for your patience.




Healthy Food Handling Canning and Preserving.pdf

Post-secondary Scholarship Writing.pdf

Arctic Research

From Disease to Cure

Sewing for Social Justice

Putting on a Radio Play

Careers in Sustainability

Careers in Active Living

Policing and the Law

Social Work and Psychology

Learn to Play Hockey

Adulting 101

The Business of Crafting

Junior Achievement

Pop Choir

Photography:  Portraits 

Plus two more...


 Imagine Students




LRSD Credentials
(This link will be added soon.)