Weeky News
Important Dates:
February 21-27 - Grad Photos
February 25 – Early Dismissal (Staff Meeting)
February 25 – PAC Meeting (7-8 PM)
February 25 - Extra-curricular Open House (Lunch)
February 26 - Pink Shirt Day
February 27 – Growth and Goals Conference (PM)
February 28 - Jazz Band Festival
March 4 - Spain Trip Info Meeting (Evening)
March 14 – PD Day (No Classes)
Pink Shirt Day – February 26
National Pink Shirt Day is a vibrant, national movement to fight bullying. It encourages everyone to wear pink shirts as a stand against bullying and brings people together, promoting kindness and inclusivity. This day also emphasizes that everyone has a role to play in promoting kindness and stopping bullying. The movement continues to grow, spreading its message worldwide. Wear pink on Wednesday to show your support.
Extra-Curricular Open House on Tuesday, February 25th.
Students will be invited to check out displays in the MPR over the lunch hour and speak to staff and/or current group members to learn more about the amazing student groups and extra-curricular options available at NMC!
Reminder to call or email the school if your child will be absent.
Spain Trip 2026
NMC students have been invited to join in on a trip to Spain in March 2026. Please join us for an information evening on March 4th at 6 PM. This trip is open to students who will be in Grades 9-12 in 2026. More info at this link:
Grad Photos
February 21-27 - Sign up for an appointment in the office if you haven’t already.
Black History Month
Watch for a variety of student-initiated events for Black History Month in February.
School Fees are due. Use SchoolCash to pay school fees.
The division has created a “how to page” to help with payments on the parent portal. Please refer to the following link:
Data Verification Forms:
Data Verification Forms were handed out to students. If there are no changes on the form, families can simply write “no changes” and sign their name. Any changes can be made directly on the form. Red pen is ideal so that the changes are evident. In a typical year, both the data verification and payment of fees would be completed in September. Given the delays with setting up PowerSchool, we appreciate your support in returning these forms and settling all fees through SchoolCash as quickly as possible.
Special Language Credits
If students read, write and speak in a language other than English or French, they can earn a maximum of four high school credits by writing the Special Language Credit Option Examinations. The Louis Riel School Division offers these exams twice during the school year: a Fall Session, and a Spring Session. This year’s spring exams will happen on Monday, March 24th and Tuesday, March 25th 2025 in the evenings at Dakota Collegiate.
Interested students should only apply for ONE language exam, either Curriculum Based Language or Non-Curriculum Based Languages.
Exam application deadline is closed on Friday, February 21, 2025 at 4:00 P.M. Out of Division applicants must pay the $65.00 fee at time of submission.
All applicants must complete an application form online. International (ISP) students and out of division students must pay a $65.00 fee. There is no fee for all other students enrolled in Louis Riel School Division. Register here: https://forms.office.com/r/TVj70V9fVC
Access the Parent Portal to view student schedule.
The parent portal allows you to view:
a) Your child's documents, including report cards,
b) Their school schedule, and
c) Their attendance history.
Use this helpful guide to access the parent portal.
Mobile Vision Clinic
RDC is hosting a Mobile Vision Clinic for community members on March 31st.
Community News
Reminder to students:
This week the Community Space will be closed Monday to Thursday for grad photos and will re-open on Friday at lunch for students to come to work on schoolwork, use the Prayer Room, or work on a craft or bead a grad cap. The prayer space will remain open all week and Ms. Kapilik can be found in the Community Space hallway sitting area near Quest.
Indigenous Youth Leadership students who will be going on the ice fishing trip on Thursday, February 27, please remember to have ALL of your forms in on Monday.
For reminders about upcoming events like IYL, important dates or forms and to get in touch with Ms. Kapilik, join the "NMC Community News" Teams group:
NMC Community News - Melanie Kapilik | General | Microsoft Teams
| teams.microsoft.com |
Reminder to caregivers:
There will be no Cultural Connections for caregivers this Thursday, February 27. Programming will resume on Thursday March 6 from 1:30-3:30 in the Community Room. We will be starting a new project. Lunch is provided.
Please remember to reach out to Melanie if you have any questions or concerns:
Melanie Kapilik
Community Liaison, Nelson McIntyre Collegiate
email: melanie.kapilik@lrsd.net
phone: 204-237-0219
Please see the attached February calendar.
Additional Programming at Rene Deleurme Centre
-Indigenous Awareness with Knowledge Carrier Eric Flett: 8 sessions running each Monday morning starting Feb 24, 2025.
-A second English Conversation Circle has been added due to the high demand.
-CRA session on understanding child tax benefits, GST tax credit, caregiver tax credit, and other tax credits.
Please see for more details: Indigenous Awareness Workshop Series (1).pdf