Weekly News
Important Dates:
January 27 - Propel Exhibition
January 28 - Early Dismissal and PAC meeting (7-8 PM)
January 29 - Student Support Day - No Classes
January 30 - Student Support Day - No Classes - Last Day of Semester 1
January 31 - PD Day - No Classes
February 3 - First Day of Semester 2
February 20 - NMC Open House (Evening)
NMC Clothing Shop - Open until January 16th
Shop here:
Grade 12 Take Action Projects
Clothing Drive:
There are many people in Winnipeg in need of warm clothing this winter. That is why I am hosting a clothing drive as part of my take action project. All sizes and types of clothing will be accepted. There is a real needed for winter jackets, hats, mittens etc. during this time of year. All clothing collected will be donated to Siloam Mission. Please drop off your gently used clothes to Ms. Cook’s room 205 between Jan 13-17.
Food Drive:
People in Winnipeg are going hungry everyday, up to 15 percent of people in Winnipeg live in a food desert, a place in which there is little to no access to proper healthy food options near by. This leads to travel being a large factor in the cost of grocery’s, especially with the rise in food prices. To help mitigate this for the time being we are hosting a food drive between Jan. 13th and the 17th in which we would love your help with. This is being done as a Take Action project in which students have to take actions to support there community. As the food is being donated to harvest Manitoba, some of the things that they need most include but are not limited to:
- Canned Fruit
- Canned Soup/Stews
- Canned Tuna
- Canned Vegetables
- Pasta
- Pasta Sauce
- Rice
- Peanut Butter
- Baby Formula/Food
- Instant Oatmeal
In any way we are excited for your support.
Reminder to call or email the school if your child will be absent.
Student Support Days
January 29th and 30th are designated as Student Support Days. The intention behind these days is to provide supported opportunities for students to improve their academic standing. During the month of January, teachers will discuss academic goals with students and support them with goal setting and a plan to achieve their goals.
News and Upcoming Events from Melanie Kapilik, Community Liaison Worker:
Mondays 1:30-3:30
Beginning on Monday January 6 from 1:30-3:30, Knowledge Carrier, Eric Flett will be sharing traditional Indigenous teachings. Parents, caregivers, and community members are invited to attend. Snacks and refreshments will be provided.
Wednesdays 3:45-5:45
Kitchen Brigades continues.
AM - sewing ribbon skirts and shirts with Kookum Hilda and Ms.Kapilik
PM - Crafting Connections - for parents, caregivers, and community.
Parent Portal
LRSD's new parent portal is launched! The parent portal allows you to view:
a) Your child's documents, including report cards,
b) Their school schedule, and
c) Their attendance history.
Use this helpful guide to access the parent portal and view report cards.
School Fees are due. Use SchoolCash to pay school fees.
The division has created a “how to page” to help with payments on the parent portal. Please refer to the following link: