ÉGM PBL Wellness
Recently, Grade 6 students celebrated their accomplishment of our finished PBL Wellness Website! The guiding question for their project was: How can I create a website that encourages EGM students to take care of their well-being? By digging deeper into this question, students were able to create content for our website through posters, articles, videos or podcasts to improve our community's mental health by providing information and strategies to help cope with stress and emotions in their daily lives. (Click here to view the website.)
This past week, all EGM students were invited to participate in our Grade 6 spirit week to celebrate and to share their work. They were able to dress up for our themed days relating to important mental health topics, such Twin Tuesday to demonstrate that nobody is ever alone and always has someone to turn to. Students were able to complete our daily challenge which encouraged all students to explore different parts of the website. They also had the opportunity to make donations to United Way Winnipeg to help support youth programs for mental health. Our Grade 6 community thanks all of EGM for their participation and we hope that our website reaches anyone who needs strategies to cope with their emotions and their stress!