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EJR Bioswale Benefits

Our latest environmental initiative: the installation of a bioswale in our school yard is now fully finished. This green infrastructure project brings numerous benefits, enhancing our local environment and contributing to our collective well-being. Here are some key advantages of having a bioswale:

1. Improved Water Quality Our bioswale will naturally filter pollutants from stormwater runoff before it enters our waterways. By capturing and treating rainwater, it will reduce the number of harmful substances such as oils, heavy metals, and sediments that would otherwise contaminate our streams, rivers, and lakes.

2. Flood Mitigation During heavy rains, our bioswale will help manage excess water by allowing it to infiltrate the ground slowly. This reduces the risk of flooding and decreases the burden on our stormwater systems, ensuring better water management and protection of our infrastructure.

3. Enhanced Aesthetic Appeal Our bioswale is visually appealing, as it incorporates native plants and grasses that enhance the beauty of our school yard and community. It provides a green, natural landscape that improves the overall aesthetic quality of our environment and addresses the problem of standing mud and water that attracted the students. Now in its place they will find a variety of plants and grasses and have a nice path area covered in wood chips to use to cross over instead of navigating mud.

Thank you to our parent volunteer for all her efforts getting a grant and doing all the hard work. EJR is lucky to have parents who step up in big ways to make our school and community a great place.  Merci!

