Library Services

The Ultimate Search Engine is @ HASTINGS LIBRARY

Cultivate the "I" in Library:

Library Hours

We are open weekdays from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. You may also visit our online library collection from any divisional computer.

Circulation & Loan Periods

Parents30 days14 days20 items
JH Students30 days30 days4 items
Grade 1 - 66-day cycle6-day cycle4 items
Kindergarten 6-day cycle1 item

Classroom sign out occurs on even number days in the school cycle.

Community and Volunteers

Library Volunteers

An invitation is extended to all interested parents and relatives. If you want experience to get back into the work force or you’re looking for something new and exciting to do, Hastings Library is the place. We offer training, flexible schedules, and opportunities to socialize since everyone comes to the library. We make a great reference for future employment.


Drop by and sign out materials for your own reading pleasure from parenting books to adult fiction and extra story books and AV items for the kids. Watch for some suggested materials below.

101 Ways to Make Your Child Feel Special by Vicki Lansky .This is a simple hand book with ideas to build your child’s self confidence. For example, if your child arrives home first, leave a message on your answering machine saying “Hi Honey, welcome home. I left a surprise snack in the fridge.” Or remember those photo booths in the mall? Next time you pass one take a moment to capture some funny-face photos together. Building self respect has many positive ripple effects. 

Literature and Resources

Technology Resources

Please select a link below to access some useful resources:

WorldBook Online

For free access to this amazing tool, use the login information provided below.

User ID: rielsd
Password: cft67


Library programs with the teacher librarian occur on odd number days in the school cycle.

" A Teacher Librarian plays three critical roles in the learning community: teacher, information specialist and administrator. In each of these roles they empower students and teachers to meet higher standards." 

-Ken Haycock

Collaborative planning and teaching (CPT) is an instructional model whereby the teacher librarian and the teachers are collaborative partners in the planning of the instructional process, in the use of resources and in the evaluation of teaching and learning outcomes. We employ resource based inquiry approaches. With the increasing use of a wide range of learning resources, students are nurtured with the mastery of information skills and strategies.

As a result, the partners provide students with the opportunities to attain information literacy, and the students are empowered as independent learners with lifelong learning skills.