Weekly Highlight: August 30th, 2024

Good Day Lancers!


Hope you had a wonderful summer.

We're looking forward to learning with you this year.


Drop Offs and Pick Ups

  • Reminder there will be no student drop off in the Dakota parking lot.
  • Please find an alternative space to drop your child off for school.


Orientation Week and First Day!


Reminder of Start Up Dates for our incoming Lancers.


  • Grade 9s and Individualized Programming Students:
    • First Day Wednesday September 4th
    • 8:30am - 3:45pm
    • Meet at 8:30am on Murray Field
    • Grade 9s continue to attend school for the rest of the week
  • Grade 10s
    • First Day Thursday September 5th
    • 8:30am - 3:45pm
    • Meet at 8:30am on Murray Field
    • Grade 10s continue to attend school for the rest of the week
  • Grade 11s and 12s
    • First Day Friday September 6th
    • 8:30am - 3:45pm
    • Meet at 8:30am on Murray Field





Stay tuned for weekly highlight announcements throughout the year! Have a great start up Lancers!