Éducation physique

The Foundation Years: Grade 9 & 10 

Éducation physique et éducation à la santé 10F 

The grade 9 physical education course is comprised of a variety of movement and fitness units. The basis of the course is to select and refine the movement skills that are required for adapting and applying them to individual and dual games or sports, group and team-type activities and alternative pursuit activities. Some of the skills that will be covered are as follows:

  • transport skills – i.e.: running, jumping, etc.
  • manipulation skills – i.e.: overhand throwing, underhand throwing, striking, bouncing, etc.
  • balance abilities – i.e.: static balance, dynamic balance

Students will also strive to identify similarities and/or differences between characteristics of basic movement skills to thus describe how movement skill patterns transfer from one activity to another.

The health curriculum and fitness unit are an integral part of the program. The fitness unit will consist of demonstrating the use of heart- rate monitoring to compare exertion levels in different activities and identifying types of strength and stretching exercises, among other fitness topics. Students will also study the following health topics:

  • human sexuality
  • personal safety
  • mental health
  • substance use and abuse

Éducation physique et éducation à la santé 20F

The grade 10 physical education course is comprised of compulsory and optional units of study. The health curriculum is an integral part of the program. Students will study human sexuality, nutrition and substance use and abuse. Students will be able to choose from a wide variety of optional physical education units. Some of these activities will require a fee. Please refer to the list below.

Compulsory Units: Health, First Aid & CPR ($30.00)

Optional Units may include:

  • Aerobics
  • Badminton
  • Beach Volleyball
  • Cross Country Skiing
  • Flag Football
  • Golf ($10 - $15)
  • Low Organized Games
  • Skating 
  • Winter activities 
  • Softball
  • Team Handball
  • Volleyball
  • Archery
  • Basketball
  • Broomball
  • Cycling                 
  • Downhill Skiing ($50 - $75)
  • Floor Hockey
  • Indoor Soccer
  • Racquet Sports
  • Soccer
  • Table Tennis
  • Touch Rugby
  • Circus

The Specialty Years: Grade 11 & 12

Please note: Students will be asked to indicate a first and second choice. As shown below, there are various options available for each grade level. It is possible that certain options will not be offered if there is insufficient interest at the time of registration.

These compulsory full-credit courses are designed to help youth take greater ownership of their own physical fitness, to encourage them to seek out activities that interest them, and to engage in active lifestyles into their futures. Students will study topics related to fitness management, mental health, substance use and abuse prevention, and the social impact of sport. The focus of this content will be on health and personal fitness planning. These topics will make up the core 25% IN-class component of every course.

As part of earning a credit for these courses, students will be required to submit a personal fitness portfolio containing elements such as a fitness plan, physical activity log, or journal entries. Students will be graded for completion of the course with a Complete or Incomplete designation.

Note for parents/guardians:

Parents/guardians will be required to review the student’s physical activity plan and sign a Parent Declaration and Consent Form acknowledging their approval of the chosen activities and acceptance of the responsibility for risk management, safety, and supervision.

Parents/guardians will also be required to verify the entries of the student’s physical activity log through a sign-off procedure.

This course is designed for students who wish to pursue and develop their personal potential and knowledge in their preferred sport. The In- class component of the course will be devoted to personal fitness training; substance use and abuse and the social impact of sport.

Students will be required to develop and implement a personal fitness plan and a physical activity plan as part of a physical activity practicum.

This course consists of topics and activities related to health, fitness, and wellness issues relevant to young women. Students will be required to develop and implement, on their own time, a personal physical activity plan as part of a physical activity practicum.

Students will be introduced to risk management planning to minimize the associated risks of the activities they have chosen. Students will also be required to participate in a variety of activities. Fees may be charged to cover the cost of certain activities.

The objectives of this course are to provide students with the knowledge and skills to participate in a variety of outdoor pursuits. The course will combine theoretical and practical components. Potential units are wilderness survival, snow shoeing, camping, cross-country ski touring, canoeing, mountain biking, hiking, orienteering, rock climbing. Students will be required to participate in activities outside of school hours and will be assessed fees to cover activity costs.

Participants may be required to obtain equipment for various activities.

Général 30F

This course will focus on developing and maintaining physical fitness and healthy lifestyle choices. Students will be required to develop and implement, on their own time, a personal physical activity plan as part of a physical activity practicum. Students will be introduced to risk management planning to minimize the associated risks of the activities they have chosen. Students will participate in a wide range of activities that will enhance their ability to make informed choices regarding their overall personal wellness. Fees may be assessed to cover the cost of certain activities.

Entraînement personnel 30F

This course is designed as an introduction to personal fitness management. Students will learn the skills and techniques necessary to help develop and maintain their own personal fitness. Students will participate in activities to develop physical strength and endurance, cardiovascular endurance, and flexibility. Students may be required to participate in activities outside of school hours and may be assessed a fee to cover activity costs. Students will also be required to develop and implement a personal physical activity plan as part of a physical activity practicum.

Poursuite récréative 40F 

This course includes a variety of physical education activities, fitness and health while also exploring a variety of recreational activities available within our community. These include indoor activities (such as bowling, curling, and wall climbing) and outdoor activities (such as golf, lawn bowling and community walks). Students may be required to participate in activities outside of school hours and will be assessed fees to cover activity costs. Students will also be required to develop and implement a personal physical activity plan as part of a physical activity practicum.

This course is designed for students who wish to develop and pursue a personalized fitness program or sports specific program. The emphasis will be on the development and implementation of different exercise routines that are safe, ethical and contribute to health-related fitness goals.

Students will also be required to develop and implement, on their own time, a personal physical activity plan as part of a physical activity practicum.

Académie de sports 40F 

This course is designed for students who wish to pursue and develop their personal potential and knowledge in their preferred sport. The in-class component of the course will be devoted to human anatomy, muscle structure and function, prevention and care of injuries and sports nutrition. Students will be required to develop and implement a personal fitness plan and a physical activity plan as part of a physical activity practicum.

Éducation physique pour filles 40F 

This course consists of topics and activities related to health, fitness, and wellness issues relevant to young women. Students will be required to participate in a variety of activities and develop and implement a personal physical activity plan. Fees may be charged to cover the cost of certain activities.

Général 40F 

This course will focus on developing and maintaining physical fitness and healthy lifestyle choices. Students will participate in a wide range of activities that will enhance their ability to make informed choices regarding their overall personal wellness. Fees may be assessed to cover the cost of certain activities.