Student Services

Student Support Services Program 

The Student Services teachers provide assistance and support to students through a consultative, collaborative approach with the classroom teacher. The Student Services teacher works together with teachers, parents, administration, other clinicians and most importantly, the students. Through observation, assessment, diagnosis, planning and teaching, the student services teachers assists staff in providing effective instruction and learning for students.

The Student Services teacher also provides support to address the social and emotional needs of students. The school seeks to provide a safe and comfortable school environment in which each child may grow and learn.

  • School-wide and classroom programs such as Responsive Classroom, Zones of Regulation, Roots of Empathy, Spark Program, Social and Emotional Learning, and Mental Health Promotion
  • Small group counselling in areas such as social skills, anger management, self-control, making friends, and dealing with family break-up;
  • Individual counselling and Collaborative Problem Solving
  • Consultation with teachers, staff, parents, and Divisional   Student Support Services; and
  • Referrals to appropriate school and community agencies.

Referrals for student services are generally requested by the teachers; however they may originate from the parents or the administrator. Parents are kept informed of the developments and progress of their child once he/she is referred for services. Student services may be on a consultative basis or the student services team may be involved in direct intervention. In all cases, the aim is to keep the students integrated in the regular classroom and to provide instructional programs to meet the needs of the students.

Divisional Student Support Services

The services of a Student Services Coordinator, Psychologist, a Social Worker, an Occupational Therapist, a Physiotherapists and a Speech Clinician are available to the students of École Henri-Bergeron when a need is identified by parents or teachers. These specialists work collaboratively with staff and parents to support students who may require additional assistance in order to assure their success as learners. Referrals for clinical services support are generally requested by the Student Services teachers in collaboration with the teacher and administration; however they may originate from the parents.