Student and Staff Reported Absence Dashboards

The dashboards provide the community with a glimpse into the reports we look at internally to monitor, make decisions about our schools' capacities, and provide information to the government in a timely and evidenced-informed way.

Student Dashboards

Overall Student Absence Rates Dashboard

This dashboard aims to provide the community with an overall view of how absences are trending in LRSD. The data goes back to the first day of school in September and provides a visual baseline of absences to date. On the Overall Student Absence Rates Dashboard, individuals can view the percentage of the student population that was absent for any reason and any portion of the day. This can be broken down divisionally by grade level. Overall%20Student-1.png

Illness-Related Student Absences Dashboard

While our previous communications focused on COVID-19, we know that the flu, common cold, bronchitis, and other respiratory viruses are also impacting absences. A lesson learned from the pandemic is just how impactful an infectious respiratory illness can be on individuals and a community. As of November 6, 2023, LRSD ceased using a COVID-related illness absence code and replaced it with an infectious respiratory illness absence code. We have developed a dashboard that allows the public to view self-reported student absences. The dashboard will refresh every school day at 4:30 p.m. Click here to view the dashboard. 

student%20sick%20board.pngStaff Dashboards

Overall School Staff Absence Rates Dashboard

On the Overall School Staff Absence Rates Dashboard, individuals can view the percentage of the school staff population that were absent for any reason and any portion of the day. This dashboard aims to provide the community with an overall view of how absences are trending in LRSD. The data goes back to the first day of school in September and provides a visual baseline of absences to date.


Illness-Related Staff Absences Dashboard

While our previous communications focused on COVID-19, we know that the flu, common cold, bronchitis, and other respiratory viruses are also impacting absences. A lesson learned from the pandemic is just how impactful an infectious respiratory illness can be on individuals and a community.   As of November 6, 2023, LRSD ceased using a COVID-related illness absence code and replaced it with an infectious respiratory illness absence code. We have developed a dashboard that allows the public to view self-reported staff absences. The dashboard will refresh every school day at 4:30 p.m. Click here to view the dashboard. 



If you have any questions or concerns about the Student and Staff Reported Absence Dashboards, please contact