Living Prairie Child Care to provide care at new Sage Creek & Bonavista school

The Louis Riel School Division (LRSD) is excited to announce that Living Prairie Child Care will be the childcare provider at the new French Immersion elementary school serving Sage Creek and Bonavista. We are finalizing details with them, including a potential start date which is expected to coincide with the beginning of next school year. 

If you have specific questions about their operations within the school, you are welcome to visit their website at or reach out to them directly at or 204-256-6892

Living Prairie Child Care has informed us that their waitlist is currently closed as it is beyond capacity. Families already on the waiting list can call or email the Centre to inquire about their status. New families seeking childcare will need to wait to enrol with Living Prairie Child Care until the waitlist is reopened. 

LRSD is looking forward to working with Living Prairie Child Care as we partner to serve families residing in Sage Creek & Bonavista.