Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week 2024

Students are at the centre of all we do as a school division, and their success is the heart of our work. 

Staff Appreciation Week formally recognizes and acknowledges the many contributions of those whose time, energy, expertise, and commitment ensure safe and welcoming learning environments where curiosity and a love of lifelong learning are fostered.  

The Board of Trustees appreciates the caring support all LRSD staff provide students and families and the kindness and generosity that is evident in our schools and buildings. 

We take this opportunity to include recognition of our senior leadership team for nurturing important conversations while leading with vision, intent, and purpose. 

Thanks to all of you, our communities flourish, and our learners thrive. 

Sincerely, Darlene Gerrior, Pam Kolochuk, Sandy Nemeth, Irene Nordheim, Ryan Palmquist, Chris Sigurdson, & Cindy Turner.