Province Announces K-12 Commission

On Wednesday, January 23, 2019, the Province of Manitoba announced the creation of a commission to "undertake a comprehensive, independent review of the kindergarten to grade 12 education system," according to a government press release.


The Commission will focus on a number of topics including:

  1. Student learning 
  2. Teaching 
  3. Accountability 
  4. Governance 
  5. Funding

How can you help to shape our future?

In the coming weeks, we will be engaging staff, students and parents to contribute their collective voice to LRSD's written submission to the Commission by May 30, 2019.

Want More Information?

Dr. Janice MacKinnon and Clayton Manness will co-chair the Commission, supported by seven other commissioners (see bios).

Christian Michalik is the Superintendent of the Louis Riel School Division (LRSD). "The Louis Riel School Division will engage fully with the review process. We will also endeavor to keep staff, students, parents and the wider LRSD community informed as the review proceeds," he says.

Michalik indicates that updates will be posted regularly on the Division's website and posted to Divisional social media accounts. E-newsletters to staff and parents will also provide updates.

"The education of our children is one of the most important activities we undertake as a society. So, it's really important for the community to engage in a conversation that may result in significant changes to the public education system in Manitoba," he says.

Sandy Nemeth is the Chair of LRSD's School Board. She also attended the announcement in her role as Vice-President of the Manitoba School Boards Association. Nemeth says she appreciates the inclusion of student voice in the review process and the recognition that the sustainability of any recommendations are key to their long-term success.

"As a School Board we are committed to participating fully in the commission and encouraging our community to do the same," she says, adding that she is optimistic that the "recommendations will "result in continued positive experiences and success for all students in Manitoba."

Key findings and recommendations of the Commission will be submitted by February 2020. Media reports indicate that the final report is expected to be publicly released in March 2020. 

-updated on March 20, 2019 by Christian Michalik, Superintendent